Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Who’s gonna die in Game of Thrones Season 6? Poll results:

Game of Thrones Season 6 is almost upon us, and that means death, probably more than in past seasons, if current trends continue. We asked you who you thought was on the chopping block. Behold the results.

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.

I’d like to ask all the people who haven’t read the books to exit the post at this time, since it seems sorta pointless to analyze the poll without resorting to book SPOILERS.

Catch up Machine Spoiler Machine

Considering we’re basically beyond the books at this point, this may be one of the last times I can use that graphic.

Anyway, some of the pics on the poll are so popular because book-readers already know their fates. As commenter Decker points out:

Kevan and Balon, well they’re obvious, cause we know that’s how it goes down in the source material.

I’d throw Pycelle in there, too. If the show follows the books, these three aren’t long for this world.

It should be noted, however, that the show is much less married to the books than it used to be. Given what we know of what’s coming, I don’t see a way Balon avoids the axe, not with Euron Greyjoy confirmed to be in the picture, but we know less about what happens to Pycelle and Kevan. I still think they’ll bite the dust at some point this year, but I have a little more doubt.

Ian Gelder as Kevan Lannister (Game of Thrones)

I think it’s more interesting to look at the characters who aren’t yet dead in the books. Popular choices included Jorah Mormont, Loras Tyrell, Alliser Throne, Tommen Baratheon, and the Boltons, and characters like Walder Frey, the High Sparrow, Lancel Lannister, and Melisandre also got their fair share of votes.

By and large, I think the first crop of characters above are all good candidates for death, but honestly, I’m hoping I’m wrong, at least about some of them. Game of Thrones has always been at its best when it’s surprising, and it’d be a shame if the season went down exactly as pundits predict. For example, I smell blood in the water when it comes to Tommen, but King Crow’s scenario sounds great:

[I]n keeping with GRRM’s belief that prophecies are not absolute or perfect, I believe Tommen will live. Whether he remains King or not is a different issue…Right now…he is young and naive, but I think the only thing he lacks is experience. He is learning valuable lessons right now and if Tommen can survive the current turmoil, I think he will go on to become a great leader

I’m not one of the people who think that Melisandre is going to go this season (remember, she saw herself on the ramparts of Winterfell in the flames), but Garrett has a hell of a suggestion for how she might go.

I’d be willing to bet, she sacrifices herself to turn Longclaw into the real Lightbringer, by baring her breasts (as in the trailer) and falling on it


“Here’s what I think of that idea.”

That would turn Melisandre into a modern-day Nissa Nissa, the woman whose blood created the first Lightbringer. I have some doubts about that, in part because the show has never told that story, but it would certainly be dramatic.

The Boltons are another popular choice, in part because I think a lot of people assume that the show has done all it can do with them. But then again, recent comments from Iwan Rheon make it sound like the writers will probe deeper into Ramsay’s personality this year, so maybe they aren’t done with the character. And of course there’s this pearl of wisdom from Oleana.

Ramsey is too evil to die. The show will never allow us that satisfaction.

But on the other hand, from richarddecredico

If that were actually the case then Joffrey would still be hanging around.

It’s all tantalizingly ambiguous. We might be best off just throwing up our hands and going with Golladan’s pic. Who’s going to die on Game of Thrones Season 6?

April 24 is just around the corner…


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