Thursday, May 26, 2016

#HamofThrones: the internet mashes Game of Thrones up with Hamilton

First it was #Potter4Ham. Then it was #Force4Ham. Now, finally, halfway through the run of Game of Thrones Season 6, the Hamilton meme has come to Westeros.

Hamilton, for those deliberately living under rocks, is the current smash Broadway hit written by and starring Lin-Manuel Miranda, who also has the honor to be your obedient nerd king. Having already won a Grammy and getting ready to sweep the Tonys, Hamilton has proven a popular subject for meme creators: they’ve mashed it up with Captain America: Civil War, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and Harry Potter. (Miranda is proudly out as House Slytherin, for those who want to know.)

Now, finally, Miranda has taken Game of Thrones, the world’s other major cultural phenomenon, and created a hashtag for it. Surprisingly, it was not #Thrones4Ham, as I would have assumed, but rather #HamofThrones.

Fans, naturally, went nuts. As before, the concept is to take a lyric from Hamilton and apply it to an image from the piece of pop culture in question. This time, it’s Game of Thrones.

Jon Snow hearing advice from George Washington.

George R.R. Martin as King George III.

Dany also belongs to the King George School of Monarchs.

Do the Dothraki need a Taylor? Or does Drogo look enough like Hercules Mulligan already?

“Incredible in court” suddenly takes on a whole new meaning here…

Well, if that lyric’s not spot on, I don’t know what is.

Or in King’s Landing’s harbor…

Drogon: Angelica. Rhaegal: Eliza. Viserion: AND PEGGY. Work!

….his poor wife.

Perhaps best of all, Hamilton’s musical director tweeted out a mashup of the song “Burn” with Game of Thrones’ opening titles.

I’ll take a full version of this please and thanks.


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