Sunday, July 31, 2016
HBO President Bloys Questioned on Game of Thrones’ Violence
Yesterday’s Television Critics Association panel for HBO yielded few surprises for the state of Westeros. It was all but certain that Game of Thrones Season 8 would be the last. Showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss had been upfront about that. It’s also not a big surprise that HBO is trying very gently to lead them to say yes to a spin off. It’s there’s one thing we know about the entertainment industry is that if something works the way Game of Thrones does, they’re not just going to let it end because the story completed. Confirming these things was mostly a formality at this point.
But what was surprising, as I checked in to the Twitter feed yesterday to read the news was the sudden left turn the panel took towards the end of the Game of Thrones segment, as the usual routine questions about the show’s violence and sexual content, and specifically the violence displayed against women, came up.
Fans are used to these questions by now, which have been asked ever since Season 1 with the coining of the term “sexposition,” and especially after Season 5. Though Season 6 did not have a major incident this year to set off waves of controversy, the question is by now part of the standard set put forth by the critics in the audience, and was to be expected especially in light of Bloys having only just taken over the position from Michael Lombardo this spring. Asking the new president what he thought, one would assume, would be a given.
Carter Bloys was NOT prepped for questions about whether HBO drama overrelies on sexualized violence against women. #TCA16
— Daniel Fienberg (@TheFienPrint) July 30, 2016
Apparently it never occurred to Bloys this would be a given, nor did anyone at HBO think to point that out. Within minutes it was obvious to the room that he had not been prepared for the question. When it came up, he turned it into a joke. “We’re going to kill everybody.”
"We're going to kill everybody" is not the ideal response to a question about pervasive use of rape as a story point. #TCA16
— Haleigh Foutch (@HaleighFoutch) July 30, 2016
As one can imagine, the critics were a little shocked and in the executive session began pounding him on it.
“I don’t necessarily see it as specific to women,” Bloys pushed back. “The point of is there a lot of violence in Westworld and Game of Thrones? Yes, but I don’t necessarily think that it’s specifically isolated to women.”
“No, you haven’t seen men being raped,” he agreed. “But the point I would make in Game of Thrones for example is men are castrated, a guy is fed a cake made of his sons. The violence is pretty extreme on all fronts. I take your point that so far there have not been any male rapes, but my point is the violence is spread equally.”
Bloys’s answers on whether HBO overuses sexualized violence against women are full Reddit, “Well, people are murdered! That’s p bad!” #TCA16
— Todd VanDerWerff (@tvoti) July 30, 2016
That did not satisfy critics who kept coming back and back to the question, asking if he thought that such depictions across the network, including new shows like Westworld, “normalized” sexual violence against women.
For the Westworld pilot, the point in Westworld is they’re robots. How you treat a robot with human-like qualities? Is that reflective of how you would treat a human? It’s a little bit different than Game of Thrones,where it is human-on-human violence. But to your larger point: Is it something we think about? Yeah, I think the criticism is valid. I think it’s something that people take into account. It’s not something we’re wanting to highlight or trying to highlight, but I think the criticism is point taken on it.”
HBO's Bloys getting third question about onscreen rape of female characters. "I think the criticism is valid." #TCA16
— Daniel Holloway (@gdanielholloway) July 30, 2016
With Game of Thrones turning more towards the final battle between the dead and the living, not to mention the long break between seasons we’ll have this year (and presumably between Seasons 7 and 8), the show may finally find themselves no longer in the direct crosshairs of these sorts of questions going forward. But with HBO’s new shows under fire for the same issues, and especially in light of a possible spin off and a return to Westeros in a different generation, these questions won’t fade from view for very long.
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Actually, HBO Won’t Confirm That “Game Of Thrones” Is Ending After Season 8
Is there hope for a Season 9?! MORE WINE!
Look, we've known this day was coming...for countless seasons we've known WINTER. IS. COMING.
And many outlets are reporting that winter is here, because HBO's new programming president seemed to allude to Season 8 being the show's last.
When Casey Bloys, HBO's new programming president, was asked if he intended to end the series after Season 8, as showrunners' David Benioff and Dan Weiss’ have wanted, he said, “Yes, they have a very specific plan about the number of seasons they want to do. Believe me, as the new [programming executive] coming in, if I could get them to do more, I would take 10 more seasons. But we take their lead on what they think they can do the best version of the show.” Bloys' comments came on Saturday at the Television Critics Association press tour.
Which led a lot of people to report that Season 8 will be the last of the series.
But HBO told BuzzFeed, "Casey did confirm Season 8, but didn't really say for sure that's the end." / Via HBO
HBO chief talks Game of Thrones and confirms the end at TCA 2016
HBO’s new programming president Casey Bloys attended his first Television Critics Association (TCA) press tour where he answered several questions pertaining to the gritty nature of their programs. He also confirmed a few details about the final two seasons of Game of Thrones.
When asked if premium cable depended too much on violence against women in their narratives:
I can tell you violence, it’s not just specific to women. It’s indiscriminate. Plenty of men are killed as well.
In the past, Game of Thrones has been criticized for its depictions of sexual violence against women and that frequency of such can lead to a normalization of the subject.
I think the criticism is valid. I think it’s something we take into account. It’s not something we want to highlight or are trying to highlight.
Bloys took a break from the gritty subjects to confirm a few details about the end of their biggest series: Game of Thrones.
Season 8 will be their last, though the amount of episodes for the final season are yet to be confirmed.
I would take 10 seasons but we want to take their lead with what they can do and what the best version of the show is.
Bloys also teases a Deadwood film, reveals the premiere date for their new sci-fi series Westworld, and more in the recap of the conference at Variety! has confirmed from the TCA that the delayed production of Season 7 will remove Game of Thrones from Emmy contention for 2017. On the bright side, conversations of a spin-off have happened, says Bloys!
We’ve talked about it. I am certainly not opposed to it. There are no concrete plans for it at this point.
What are your thoughts on Game of Thrones confirmed home stretch? What would you like for a spin-off?
The post HBO chief talks Game of Thrones and confirms the end at TCA 2016 appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.
HBO Confirms Game of Thrones Season 8 Is The Final Season
At HBO’s Executive Session this morning at the Television Critic’s Association, incoming programming president Casey Bloys confirmed what we all sort of knew and feared. Game of Thrones will end with Season 8. According to Entertainment Weekly:
“Yes, they have a very specific plan about the number of seasons they want to do,” Bloys said. “Believe me, as the new [programming executive] coming in, if I could get them to do more. I would take 10 more seasons. But we take their lead on what they think they can do the best version of the show.”
That wasn’t the only bad news of the session. Bloys also confirmed that the “Summer 2017” start of Game of Thrones Season 7 will be late enough that the show will not be in contention for the 2017 Emmys race. Well, that’s bad new for HBO and Game of Thrones anyway. Everyone else in the drama division across the other networks probably silently cheered. Bloys insisted though that awards weren’t the goal anyway, they were just a bonus. Still, considering that Season 7 will then air at the very beginning of the Emmys eligibility period for 2018 also works against them being nominated they way they have been the last two years: “It’s something we’ll live with.”
In news that will cheer fans though, Bloys said that a spin off show for Game of Thrones has been discussed, though no details were forthcoming.
“We’ve talked about it, it’s something I’m not opposed to, but of course it has to make sense creatively,” he said. “I’m not sure that [Benioff and Weiss] could really wrap their heads around it when they’re just about to start production [on season 7]. It’s a pretty intense production, they’re about to start production soon. I’m open to it. The guys weren’t opposed to it, but there’s no concrete plans for it at this point.”
Friday, July 29, 2016
Small Council: What was the funniest moment of Game of Thrones Season 6?
Game of Thrones Season 6 is over, but the process of analyzing Game of Thrones Season 6 has just begun. This week, we look back on those moments that made us chuckle, guffaw, laugh, or involuntarily squirt out our beverage of choice through our nostrils. In short, we discuss the funniest moments of the year. Tell us what you think, and vote in our poll!
DAN: Season 6 had a lighter tone than Season 5. Much of this had little to do with jokes. Season 5 ended in despair, with Cersei publicly humiliated, Stannis defeated, and Jon Snow murdered. There was plenty of death and destruction at the end of Season 6, but there were also notes of hope, with Jon being made the new King in the North and Daenerys finally setting sail for home. Moments like that popped up throughout the year (there may not be a happier scene on Game of Thrones than when Jon and Sansa reunited in “Book of the Stranger”), and that made the audience more receptive to the goofier moments.
There were a lot of moments to choose from, but if I’m being honest, I may have guffawed loudest when, during his fight with a Dothraki warrior in “Book of the Stranger,” Jorah tried to blind his opponent by throwing a handful of sand in his eye…and missed. The Dothraki spared one half-second to look at Jorah like he was the saddest man in the world (and he’s definitely a contender) before getting right back to the task of killing him. That move has been used successfully in many an action movie, and it was nice to see the show put a little twist on it.
I’m going mainly by instinct here. So far as jokes go, Jorah’s sand attack fail didn’t have the instant combustibility of the Tormund/Brienne flirtation or the ambition of the scenes with the Braavosi players, but it did make me snort, loudly and involuntarily. That’s worth something.
COREY: I hate to go with the obvious answer here, but Tormund taking every chance possible to give Brienne heart-eye emojis was the funniest thing about Season 6 for me. When it comes to laughs, I’m not sure what other moment from Season 6 could top the notion of Tormund clearly and desperately wanting after the Maid of Tarth, coupled with Brienne’s obvious disdain for that “wildling fellow with the beard.” I can’t remember a more awkwardly hilarious romance.
I suppose Grey Worm’s attempt at humor after being verbally bludgeoned by Tyrion for what felt like half the season wast amusing, but it came only after we were subjected to some of the worst attempts at humor we’ve had to endure on the show. I didn’t find this season to be terribly funny, probably because Tyrion seemed to be so off his game. Generally speaking, it seems like Tyrion supplies most of the humor, and coupled with Bronn’s absence for most of the season, you really aren’t going to have much comedy. If you don’t fire your big guns, it’s hard to hit the big targets.
KATIE: The perhaps doomed romance of Brienne and Tormund may go down as one of the most laugh-out-loud funny scenes in television history, but it’s a close call for my favorite moment of the season.
As Corey mentioned above, Bronn’s extended absence left some humor wanting, but my personal favorite scene nevertheless included him. Bronn and Podrick’s reunion was one I’d been waiting for almost as wistfully as I’d been waiting for Jon and Sansa’s (although for different reasons). The Tyrion/Bronn/Pod dynamic was an entirely enjoyable one throughout their seasons together, and their separation prior to Tyrion’s trial was heartbreaking—there was genuine friendship beneath a steward’s duty and a sellsword’s going rate, and we got to see that friendship rekindled in Bronn and Pod’s reunion at the siege of Riverrun.
It was lighthearted and familiar, and it was almost as though no time had passed since their last meeting in the way they could simply pick up where they’d left off. Bronn’s quick, honest wit coupled with Pod’s naivete (not to mention the fact that it seemed Daniel Portman was hard-pressed not to laugh throughout) gave the audience a much-needed break from the seriousness of the situation. Bonus: generally speaking, the unexpected face slap is never not funny, and this one certainly didn’t let me down.
ANI: For me, the funniest moments in Season 6 were, hands down, the “Game of Thrones players” and the entire “play of the show within the show” sequences. Not that there weren’t other parts I didn’t bark laugh at, like Olenna’s fan-service bitchslap of the Sand Snakes. But the “Game of Thrones players” was one of the very few sequences we knew was coming in The Winds of Winter, with the funhouse mirror retelling of recent Westerosi history, which was so biased one might have thought Cersei personally approved the script. But what I didn’t expect was how thorough it would be, or how great a cast it would sport.
To recap:
- Richard E. Grant as Robert Baratheon/Tywin Lannister
- Essie Davis as Cersei Lannister
- Kevin Eldon as Ned Stark
- Leigh Gill as Tyrion Lannister
- Eline Powell as Sansa Stark
- Rob Callender as Joffrey Baratheon
This is already a powerhouse lineup of actors. The director then literally took them through an improved version of this funhouse mirror version of Westerosi history, having them reenact many of the key scenes from the first four seasons, the best of which wound up on the screen. Reportedly, there’ll be deleted scenes from the play on the Season 6 home video boxset. I could laugh over that all day.
RAZOR: How can you talk about the funniest moments in Game of Thrones Season 6 without mentioning Grand Maester Pycelle’s nervous gas at the sight of The Mountain, or the wit and wisdom of Tyrion Lannister? While Pycelle may have been murdered by a bunch of creepy children this season, his awkward shuffling past Cersei in “Book of the Stranger” was hilarious. And then, of course, there was the aforementioned audible gaseous expulsion.
While Pycelle’s whiffle-fart made my inner 12-year-old self giggle uncontrollably, Tyrion had the funniest lines in Season 6.
- Varys: “You walk like a rich person.” Tyrion: “It’s a good thing you’re not a boy anymore…because you have no cock.”
- Tyrion: “I drink and I know things.”
- Tyrion after unchaining Viserion and Rhaegal: “Next time I have an idea like that, punch me in the face.”
- Tyrion making Missandei and Grey Worm drink wine and tell jokes.
Peter Dinklage is a treasure on Game of Thrones, and his portrayal of Tyrion Lannister is quite possibly the brightest spot in a show full of bright spots. And now that Tyrion is returning to Westeros for Season 7, I can only dream of the interactions he’s bound to have with Bronn, Jaime, and even Pod.
Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.Visit Game of Thrones filming sights on the “Hold the Door” Pub Crawl
As some may recall, last winter, the UK was slammed by terrible storms, including Storm Gertrude, which knocked down several trees along the Dark Hedges, a Northern Irish landmark that has stood in for the Kingsroad on Game of Thrones. You may remember it from when Arya and Gendry fled the city in Season 2:
The people behind the GoT Territory campaign re-purposed those trees and set to carving ten doors out of them, each one representative of an episode from Game of Thrones Season 6. From doors spotlighting Houses Bolton and Greyjoy to ones commemorating Daenerys’ immolation of the khals, Cersei blowing up the Sept of Baelor, and the Night King invading the Three-Eyed Raven’s cave, these works of art were unveiled week after week. Here’s a sampling:


“Blood of My Blood”

“The Winds of Winter”
But now that the season is over and all ten doors are unveiled, what did the GoT Territory campaign do with them? The most touristy thing imaginable: a pub crawl. The doors have been installed in select pubs across Northern Ireland, as you can see on this map.
The pubs are all conveniently positioned near areas of Northern Ireland where the production does on-location filming. This ensures that all tourists traveling from location to location on their Game of Thrones-themed holiday have a handy guide to the best food and great beer.
And as you can see, the map helpfully delineates which areas stand in for what part of Westeros, so you always know where you’re going. Consider this required drinking next time you head across the pond to visit Northern Ireland and see Westeros for yourself. And don’t forget to hold the door.
Game of Thrones: The Complete Sixth Season arrives on Digital HD August 1st!
Just a reminder for those who missed the earlier news– Game of Thrones: The Complete Sixth Season will be arriving on Digital HD on August 1st. So Game of Thrones‘ newest season, along with some pretty sweet bonus features, can be yours in just a few days. We also have a sneak peek at one of the features, thanks to the Wall Street Journal (shared after the cut)!
The set features all 10 season six episodes, plus extensive bonus content. The Digital HD Download includes:
- Bran’s Journey – A nine-minute feature delving into the shocking and revelatory journey Bran Stark took in Season 6.
- The Dothraki World – Behind-the-Scenes featurette bringing viewers up to speed on the Dothraki culture, not seen since Season 1.
- Inside Game of Thrones: Prosthetics – Behind-the-Scenes featurette detailing what goes into the show’s prosthetics creation.
- The Game Revealed – Five-part series covering the creation of Season 6’s most epic set pieces and scenes.
It’ll be available for download on iTunes, Vudu, Amazon Video, and many more outlets.
The Wall Street Journal has shared a new snippet from the Bran featurette, with commentary from Isaac Hempstead Wright, Kristian Nairn and director Jack Bender taking us behind “The Door”:
For those who prefer the hard copies, great news this year- as previously announced, Game of Thrones: The Complete Sixth Season will be available on Blu-ray™ with Digital HD and on DVD this November 15th!
The post Game of Thrones: The Complete Sixth Season arrives on Digital HD August 1st! appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
These Maps Prove That Westeros Is Based On Great Britain And Ireland
It always helps to look at things from a different point of view. (And if you knew all this, just enjoy playing with the slidey things!)
The great thing about the opening titles of Game of Thrones – other than the theme tune – is that it ensures viewers get a good understanding of the geography of Westeros, and beyond.
Within a few minutes of the first episode of season one it's clear that Winterfell is in the north, King's Landing is in the south east, and there is a big old wall in the far north.
For this reason, the parallels with Britain are immediately clear. The northerners have northern accents. The capital is in the south east. Across the Narrow Sea/English Channel lies another continent. And everything north of Hadrian's Wall is dark and full of terrors.
Only joking, Scotland. We love you really.
Peterhermesfurian / Getty Images
So you may be forgiven for thinking that the shape of Westeros is simply a skewed, stretched, reimagined version of Great Britain. But you'd be wrong.
"If you want to know where a lot of fantasy maps come from, take a look at any map in the front of your favourite fantasy book and turn it upside down. Westeros began as upside down Ireland. You can see the Fingers at the Dingle Peninsula."
Announcing the Con of Thrones hotel and convention location!
Last month we saw the end of Season 6, the beginning of a new off-season, and the introduction of Con of Thrones. Your response was incredible. The announcement reached further than we could have ever expected or planned for. The only answer to this kind of passion, love, and enthusiasm from the community this was created for is more passion, love, and harder work.
In the summer of 2012, I stood in the indoor city of the Gaylord Opryland and dreamed of organizing this convention there. I visited again last year. I saw potential bowls of brown stewing nearby Dornish cosplayers skirting through alleyways for a mid-afternoon between-panel photoshoot, and the list goes on. Thanks to this community and the hard work of Mischief Management, our convention has a ridiculously epic locale.
This is a brief summary of CoT, from my announcement last month:
It will be a celebration of all George R.R. Martin has given to the world, and what HBO and we the people have created because of it. We will rally on June 30th 2017 in Nashville, TN for one truly stunning weekend. I couldn’t be more excited, and we here at Watchers couldn’t be more thrilled to spend the next year refining, hammering Con of Thrones into the celebration this ever expanding community deserves. I’ve partnered with the good folk of Mischief Management, who have given love and sweat to build this into something we can be proud of, and who have always put fans first. This convention is led by die-hard fans of the series, no detail will go unnoticed. The time is right to celebrate this phenomenon with people and new friends who love it most.
Rooms are going fast. If you’re joining us in Nashville, now is the best time to book your stay. Tickets for the convention are on sale August 22nd at A new website with detailed information will launch on the same date. In the mean time, we’ll be working on those details. Nothing can be announced without complete confirmation. The con is just under a year out, but we are working to move things along now.
The hotel is amazing, I think you’re going to love it. I am so excited! The community is growing, but this will always be our home. We hope to meet all of you in Nashville next Summer.
The post Announcing the Con of Thrones hotel and convention location! appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.
Sophie Turner on Sansa, confidence and watching Game of Thrones
Sophie Turner has a new interview this week with The Hollywood Reporter‘s Awards Chatter Podcast. In the podcast, the actress talks with Scott Feinberg about winning the role of Sansa Stark, her experience in the spotlight and getting ready for X-Men: Apocalypse.
Sophie won the role thanks to an extensive Game of Thrones casting search around UK schools; her drama teacher put her up for it, along with several of her friends. It was only her second audition and she didn’t even tell her mother about it until she’d landed a place on the list of the final seven actresses for Sansa.
She emphasizes how uncertain the early days of GoT were for them- she didn’t even know if she’d ever see anyone again after she filmed the pilot. She notes, “I don’t think the original pilot will be aired anytime soon,” since there were several issues with it. The first episode was mostly reshot, and of course the show went on to be a huge hit.
“From day one, I always saw her as a very strong, very clever girl,” Turner tells THR. “Yes, she was kind of blinded by this fairytale of King’s Landing and the capital and being queen — and, I mean, what 13-year-old isn’t or wouldn’t be?” She says, “I was always like, ‘Okay, and then there’s gonna be a point where she finally uses everything — all of that knowledge that she’s soaked up — and uses it to her advantage. And I think season six was the season that she really showed people what she could do and she utilized those skills.”
Turner raves about the Battle of the Bastards and Miguel Sapochnik’s amazing work on the episode, and once again shares how happy she is that Sansa has made her “first kill” with Ramsay.
Being part of Game of Thrones isn’t always easy though, especially when fans are scrutinizing you- and your body.
Turner says, “A lot of it was to do with growing up in the public eye, going through puberty and all of a sudden I didn’t have time to go to my ballet classes and I didn’t have time to go to gymnastics classes — and I love pasta! And so the most difficult part of it was body confidence and that kind of thing. It can really get you down when, like, thousands of people are commenting, ‘Oh, Sansa put on 10 pounds!’ So when I got X-Men, it really was such a blessing in disguise when they said, ‘We’re gonna get you a trainer.’ I was like, ‘I hate you, please don’t do this to me.’ But I got the trainer, I got on a diet and it changed my entire mentality, everything. It really kind of got me out of this rut that I’d been in.”
Funny fact: Sophie can’t get Sky (the British network that airs GoT) at her flat- it isn’t available there, so she’s left trying to catch new episodes where she can. She says her brother attends viewing parties but she isn’t up for that. I can only imagine how fans would react to Sansa Stark turning up to watch Game of Thrones with them every week- actually, they’d probably love it.
Want more? Listen to the Awards Chatter podcast over at The Hollywood Reporter.
The post Sophie Turner on Sansa, confidence and watching Game of Thrones appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.
Game of Thrones Brings UK’s Sky Record Revenues
Game of Thrones is not just one of the biggest shows that’s watched globally, it’s also one of the biggest shows in the world financially. Being chosen for filming parts of Westeros or Essos is like winning the tourist lottery for small historical European cities. Not to mention the amount of job creation that comes with it, both in front of the camera for the casts of thousands, but also behind, as a crew of thousands is also necessary to make a show with a cast of thousands run.
But those who see the biggest bottom line rise from the program’s run are those who air it. HBO has not only profited handsomely, they timed their launch of an entire stand alone streaming channel, an entire new source of revenue, off the back of it. Meanwhile, across the pond in the UK, Sky is reporting today that it has reached record breaking profits for the year 2016, most of which can be credited to landing airing rights to the program after the BBC got cold feet and pulled out early in the development process.
According to The Belfast Telegraph:
The Game Of Thrones broadcaster lifted operating profits 12% to £1.6 billion in the full year to June 30, while revenues climbed 7% to £11.9 billion over the period. The financial boost came as full-year revenues leapt above £8 billion to £8.3 billion in the UK and Ireland for the first time in its history. Shares were up 6% on the FTSE 100 Index.
Along with those profits came the announcement that subscriptions had risen once again, with 445,000 customers signing up for the service. According to their final ratings, more that six million people on average tuned into each Season 6 episode this past spring. This despite the fact that the channel lost the valuable Champions League football asset, which has now moved to upstart rival channel BT.
But with Game of Thrones having less episodes for it’s final two seasons, and not airing until later in the calendar year, Sky will have to start looking for a replacement show to keep up these numbers, much as HBO has begun scrambling to do.
27 Times Kit Harington Was A Beautiful Gift We Didn't Deserve
Yes, we appreciate his talents. But also his abs.
When he just existed with this beautiful face.
Toby Canham / Getty Images
Seriously. Just look at it.
Constantin Film
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Cosplay Tips From Game of Thrones Actors and Designer
Game of Thrones isn’t just the biggest show in the world–it’s regularly one of the biggest fandoms represented at conventions. And by “represented” we don’t just mean audience for panels, or tee shirts or merch. We’re talking cosplayers.
The trick to a really good cosplay for Game of Thrones–at least in my experience–is nailing the wig, especially for the leading female characters. People will forgive a whole host of Dany costume errors, as long as you have that Targaryen mane of silver perfect. Same went for Cersei…that is, until the haircut. The most successful Jon Snows and Margaerys also lie in the hair. But what do the actors think is the most important aspect to nail about their character? And what would the costume designer, Michele Clapton–who was the one who first designed those iconic costumes cosplayers are imitating–suggest is the best focus?
Speaking to Making Game of Thrones, Clapton says it’s about the structure of the outfits, especially for Cersei.
“Her dress is very structured and there’s a lot of work that goes underneath it to support the shapes….I’d love to get into the leather dress [from the Season 6 finale].”
Nathalie Emmanuel, on the other hand, is in total agreement about the hair, if you’re going to do her character Missandei: “The fro needs to be on point. Learn how to do a good braid or have a friend do a good braid for you. Buy a lot of blue stuff and some crop tops.”

Not crying? Not nailing it.
Sophie Turner doesn’t think the hair or the dress matter as long as you have the attitude. And when it comes to Sansa, stock up on kleenex and eyedrops. “You need to have a sad face on. You need to be crying, otherwise you’re not Sansa.”
As for some of the non-Jon Snow male characters, perhaps you’re better off just not doing it. Kristian Nairn, for instance says the key to being Hodor is dirt, stinking and having a man sized child strapped to your back. “Sweat a lot in the San Diego sun and I’ll be there with you.” Isaac Hempstead-Wright says for Bran “Just come as a tree.”

Bran cosplay suggestion. Also doubles as Groot outfit.
As for Sam, John Bradley says no.
“Don’t. I’ve had that costume in all various extreme weather conditions; snow in Iceland, rain in Belfast, sunshine in Spain. It’s never effective anywhere. No matter where you go with it, it’s a burden. So my advice is to not dress like Sam at all.”
What "Game Of Thrones" Character Should You Name Your Kid After?
So many names to choose from…
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Game of Thrones cosplay wows at San Diego Comic Con (Part 2)
Header Photo Credit: Cersei, Sansa and Margaery by Jenna, Sara, and Joanna SDCC 2016
It was a great year for Game of Thrones cosplay at Comic-Con, and we have some more awesome examples here to pair with those from our first article on the subject. A lot of fans turned out despite the blazing heat, and we were rewarded by the sea gods (see Iron Islands folklore) when a blanket of sea fog (marine layer) rolled in and cooled all of us off on Saturday morning. Also, the convention center must have air conditioners the size of the Titanic; it kept the inside pleasant despite the temperature outside and the endless stream of bodies.
We didn’t see a lot of Joffreys at the Con, so let’s start off with a great version of him (enjoying the unfortunate demise of Red Wedding Robb, of course), plus a super Jon Snow outfit and beard.

Joffrey, dead Robb and Jon snow by Kit, Steven, and Will SDCC 2016
Daenarys is always popular. I suppose it’s the braided white hair and potential dragon accessories, right? Also, she certainly offers a much cooler wardrobe option than the fur-clad Westerosi females.

Daenerys by Liane and Stephanie SDCC 2016
It seems impossible that one might leave Comic-Con without seeing at least one Jon Snow/Ygritte pairing, and we did find one high-spirited duo in fantastic costumes game to travel north of the Wall despite the desert heat.

Jon and Ygritte by Dawn and Holiday SDCC 2016
Along with Cersei, some other capable players of the great game were represented, including a superbly dressed Littlefinger and Margaery. (That might be a Tyrion clinging to Littlefinger, but I’m not sure).

Littlefinger by Michael and Margaery by Chris SDCC 2016
Here is an interesting set of characters in well-crafted attire: Melisandre, Daenerys, and a probably doomed Stark Bannerman.

Mel, Dany and Stark bannerman by Rebecca, Eiraina and Matt SDCC 2016
It was nice to see Ellaria and Oberyn pop up. Yes, Dorne is a much maligned story line, but there’s no doubting the beauty of the Dornish people and their traditional clothing. And I really liked this duo of Qyburn and Cersei in her Dark Queen mode, and the little bottle of glowing wildfire was a magnificent touch.

Oberyn and Ellaria by John & Daisy plus Qyburn and Cersei by Don & Jacquii
Rheagar Targaryen also made an appearance, resplendent in his ruby-encrusted battle armor, and this Septa Unella was so good I had to show her again … I just can’t get over that little fluffy halo.

Rhaegar by Chris & Septa Unella by Rosei SDCC 2016
We also found a finely costumed Daario Naharis, and boy is Daario proud of his daggers! Poor Daario, bumped into the friend zone.

Daario & Daario w knives by Phil SDCC 2016
Lastly, I’d like to post this photo of the Hound with wonderful cosplays of Daenerys and Melisandre. Ladies, I somehow never got your names or lost them, so please notify me of your first name in the comments if you wish to do so.

Dany and the Hound by David, Melisandre SDCC 2016
Thanks to everybody who dressed up and came out to Comic-Con this year. Your hard work was much appreciated. I know I missed a lot of you, but I’ll try to catch you out there next year! Also, if any of you have websites associated with your costumes and Game of Thrones-related activities, please feel free to supply your links in the comments section.
Inside the Game of Thrones wildfire explosion with Rising Sun Pictures
We have yet another Game of Thrones VFX breakdown for you all today! Released yesterday, Rising Sun Pictures’s video features some of their best effects created for season 6.
The company was responsible for many of the jaw-dropping effects seen this year, and showcased particularly in “The Winds of Winter,” with the Great Sept of Baelor and the destruction of the wildfire explosion. Combining the show’s footage taken on location and sets with their VFX, Rising Sun helped create some of the most memorable scenes of the season.
The video:
Two other season 6 VFX reels:
Iloura, and the Battle of the Bastards
Mackevision: Horn Hill, Pyke, and Daenerys’ armada
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Season 6 Special Effects Reel: Some People Just Want To Watch the Sept Burn
Every year, the company behind the CGI and VFX magic that goes into Game of Thrones release a special effects reel showing just how it was done. This year’s company was Rising Sun Pictures, and they faced a challenge unlike most. This was battles, or dragons or white walkers. Instead they were asked to blow up an entire section of King’s Landing, using flammable green goo known as “wildfire,” and make it look believable. As they say in their synopsis of the clip:
For the finale of season six of HBO’s smash hit Game of Thrones¸ Rising Sun Pictures faced a formidable challenge: replicate the sprawling city of King’s Landing and its central shrine, the Great Sept of Baelor, and then burn them to the ground in a magical, green-hued inferno. New to the Game of Thrones production team, RSP created visual effects for several episodes of the show’s recently concluded sixth season. Most of the work centered on King’s Landing and the Sept as artists produced photo-realistic CG set extensions and architectural enhancements that were blended with location footage to create the luxurious, walled city overlooking the sea.
Game of Thrones has used multiple VFX companies over the course of six seasons and counting, usually spreading different sections of the work across different companies, both to cut down on costs and not overwhelm one place with the sheer amount of workload.
Naturally this video is set to “Light of The Seven.” Because anyone who wants a dramatic soundtrack would be best advised to start with that track and go from there. Grab a goblet of wine this morning (no, it’s not to early!), and slowly sip as you gaze upon the destruction of the city and all those who humiliated the Lannister name for the last time. You’ve earned it.
I Rewatched The Fourth Episode Of "Game Of Thrones" And Had Many Thoughts
Project Jon Snow saying “I know where to put it” onto my gravestone. Warning: contains spoilers for Season 6.
1. First appearance of the Three Eyed Raven! Leading Bran into the crypts. I wonder if there’s truly some ~secrets~ down there.
2. Theon's hair is so blonde in this scene.
7. Tyrion designing a special saddle for Bran is so endearing.
8. Oh here’s the bit where Theon was so “rude” to Tyrion.
9. Yep, you definitely misremembered this Tyrion. You’re the one being a bit of a dick, actually.
10. At least Theon’s hair is brown again.
Monday, July 25, 2016
Isaac Hempstead Wright on Bran Stark’s coming “moral dilemma,” and other cast interviews
We’re still cleaning up videos from San Diego Comic-Con 2016, and Access Hollywood has a bevy of them. In this one, Isaac Hempstead Wright talks about that moment when the Night King touched Bran Stark back in “The Door.” That contact made it so the Night Kind could enter the Three-Eyed Raven’s cave. Might it allow him to cross over the Wall, too?
Bran should be a big deal in Season 7. Are we in for another Stark reunion? We can hope.
Liam Cunningham also chatted with Access Hollywood, talking about “The Winds of Winter,” Lyanna Mormont (apparently actress Bella Ramsey got a standing ovation after she gave her “King in the North” speech), his slight hesitancy to follow Jon Snow as a new king, and where Brienne fits into the Davos/Tormund bromance.
So put Cunningham in the camp of people who think there may be trouble between Jon and Sansa in the future. We’ll see.
There were plenty of opportunities to interview the actors at Comic-Con. After meeting up in the Hall of Faces, Access Hollywood had another go at Cunningham on the show floor, where he discussed “Battle of the Bastards” and whether Davos and Melisandre will ever meet again. As usual, Cunningham is the best. Why hasn’t he gotten an Emmy nomination?
TV Line got the chance to interview Cunningham and Wright together, and the pair of them lamented the fact that, for Season 7, they were going to have to endure cold weather and, according to Cunningham, “night shoots.” Huh. Well, winter isn’t the only thing that’s coming—the Long Night is also on the way. Other topics include how Davos and Bran are among the few nice guys on the show (Cunningham isn’t sure Arya belongs in that category) and what the characters will do when they find out about the recent events in King’s Landing and Daenerys’ trek across the Narrow Sea.
More interview goodness on the other side.
Check out the 2017 A Song of Ice and Fire Calendar
The first pages of artwork for the 2017 A Song of Ice and Fire calendar have been unveiled, via website 7 Kingdoms. Back in February of this year, on George R.R. Martin’s Not a Blog, one of his minions (their words, not mine) announced who the artist behind the 2017 calendar would be:
George is proud to be the first to announce production and progress on the official SONG OF ICE AND FIRE calendar for 2017 which will feature art by the deeply talented Didier Graffet. Although this year has only just begun we couldn’t wait to share a preview of Didier’s fantastic work for next year’s calendar.
As you can see, French artist Didier Graffet chose to depict the Battle of the Blackwater for the cover. There’re a few more pieces of artwork shown on both 7 Kingdoms and Here’s a look at February’s theme: Betrayal, from A Storm of Swords, which depicts the events of the Red Wedding.
This piece depicts a scene from A Feast for Crows, where Brienne of Tarth defends herself and kills former members of the Brave Companions, including Timeon, Shagwell, and Pyg.
Finally, here’s a scene from A Clash of Kings where Theon Greyjoy returns home to the Iron Islands to treat with his father, Balon Greyjoy, on Robb Stark’s behalf.
The calendar includes 13 paintings, one for each month and a bonus poster. You can purchase the 2017 A Song of Ice and Fire calendar through Amazon for $11.96, or directly from Penguin Random House for $17.00.