Friday, July 22, 2016

John Bradley thinks Sam may be key to defeating the White Walkers

With Comic-Con in full swing, interviews with members of the Game of Thrones cast are popping up everywhere. John Bradley (Samwell Tarly) sat down with IGN to discuss an idea shared by many: that Sam will play a pivotal role in the looming war between mankind and the White Walkers. Many expect that, at some point in Season 7, the White Walkers will find some way to get past the Wall, either by toppling it or something else. And when the White Walkers begin their invasion of Westeros, what role might intrepid scholar Sam play?

I think he absolutely could be [the key to defeating the White Walkers.] There’s going to be something that comes of Sam’s time in Oldtown.


It’s not much of a stretch to assume that Sam might discover something of significance during his time in that massive library in Oldtown. Even during Sam’s brief studies in the much smaller library at Castle Black, he was able to confirm that dragonglass daggers could kill White Walkers. With the amount of knowledge contained at the Citadel at Oldtown, Sam could make a discovery that will prove crucial in the wars to come. What, specifically, might it be? Bradley declined to speculate further.

I’m in big trouble if I get it right.

Indeed. We, however, are free to speculate. For example, Sam may discover something that could eliminate the White Walkers’ control over their undead army. If the wights are neutralized, the war would become infinitely more manageable, and those few Valyrian steel swords (like Heartsbane, Samwell’s family sword) left in Westeros could prove sufficient to fight the threat. Or could Samwell discover some sort of proof of Jon’s true heritage? The possibilities are almost as limitless. There were a LOT of books there.

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We’ll be covering the big Game of Thrones panel soon.


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