Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Game of Thrones Gets Honest Emmy Trailer & Rated for Politeness

I don’t know if you’ve heard, but Game of Thrones is nominated for an Emmy…or 20. It’s a big deal for the show, since last year it smashed records left and right, and next year, it will premiere too late to get any at all. But no matter! It’s overwhelming favorable odds simply mean that others who are nominated might feel like a friendly take down is in order.

Actually, if you’re the Screen Junkies, who are nominated for their own Emmy in the hosrt form variety category, you go after everyone who’s nominated in the Drama departments with your signature Honest Trailers. In this Emmy edition of the well known spoof series, “Downers and Dragons” gets paired up with “Better Not Call Him Saul Because We’re Two Seasons in and His Name Is Still Jimmy and my personal favorite of the nicknames, “I’m Not With Her.”

I’m not sure if everyone here is aware of the program “Foxtype.” It’s been reviewed over at Lifehacker a few times, if you haven’t. To summarize, it is a grammar machine for anyone whose public school education was lacking in teaching such things here in the US. (That would be most of us.) It also has politeness checker function, so that you can run that nasty email you were going to sent to your boss through it and forestall getting fired.

Well, some enterprising soul at Reddit started running iconic lines from Game of Thrones through it. The results were….not always as expected.


And finally, for those who have finished binged out on Stranger Things, and wonder what an 80s version of Game of Thrones would look like done in that style, some very helpful fan has already gotten there first. (Like way first–this video’s been floating around the internet for a few years now, but due to Stranger Things, it’s getting attention and reposted on YouTube again.)

Gotta love that old HBO logo, and the old VHS roll lines.


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