Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Maisie Williams Awestruck at ‘Impossible Challenge’ of Game of Thrones Season 8

Maisie Williams as Arya Stark.

Maisie Williams as Arya Stark.

Admit it – every time you see ‘Game of Thrones season 8’ in the headline, you get excited that there’s going to be some news, or photos, or…something! Well, dear reader, you’re not alone; Many share that quest for knowledge alongside you! However, we’ll take any news we can get our hands on these days, given the extraordinary vows of secrecy the cast has seemingly solemnly sworn. As you all know, no matter the topic, if there is an interview held with someone even remotely associated with Game of Thrones, conversation will inevitably turn to it. Conveniently for us, it just so happens that the inevitable happened in a recent interview with Maisie Williams, Arya Stark!

When Metro interviewed Maisie Williams about the upcoming Bronze Age-set animated film, Early Man, talk naturally turned to the impending final season of Game of Thrones. Expressing shock at the sheer audacity of the season when first looking at the scripts, she thought to herself, “Oh God, we have to shoot this now. And it is kind of an impossible challenge. It will be really difficult.” She feels very lucky that she is only an actor currently, stating “I’m glad I don’t write the show,” noting “the huge amount of pressure” season 8 impresses upon everyone. “You are constantly trying to do a better job than you did the year before,” she says. I believe it – the stakes are higher than any show in recent memory. In fact, the only fantasy/sci-fi show I can recall this many people anticipating the final season of at near-GOT-level popularity is perhaps LOST, and even for that, I don’t think there were as many viewers as there are for GOT.

It would be cruel if I left you without even remotely whetting your appetite for season 8 news, right? So, in the spirit of paying it forward, what do you make of this quote from Williams?

“I am currently on my way to a night shoot, which is week 4 of 12 weeks of night shoots. It’s just huge. The task is huge. But, there’s no better way to leave the show, to be honest.”

She has at least 12 weeks of shooting, which suggests to me that Arya will be around for at least a good portion of the season (not that I personally think she’ll die anyway, but ya know). And they are night shoots, which suggests dark and foreboding times to me, and I would imagine that with Winter as well as the White Walkers upon everyone, there will be battles ahead in which Arya will have a part to play. Perhaps with Needle and her new dagger, she’ll become something of a Michonne for the upcoming zombie onslaught?

Of course, if you have been following our recent reports about the Moneyglass night shots, you may already have an idea of what Williams is talking about, but her comments do confirm something we didn’t know before: Arya is involved in that massive sequence.

What do you make of the three-month long night shoots for which she is scheduled? What glaring oversight did you catch me missing? Let us know in the comments below!

The post Maisie Williams Awestruck at ‘Impossible Challenge’ of Game of Thrones Season 8 appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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