Sunday, May 15, 2016

Dany Takes Charge (Video)

We have spent two seasons with Dany trapped in Slavers Bay, desperately trying to understand cities that had no interest in her ruling them. It’s been dull, painful and sometimes heartbreaking to watch her waste her precious time (and ours) in a failed attempt to make Meereen behave. But finally, now that she’s out and back with the Dothraki, she’s taking charge.

Spoilers ahead!

Where are your spoilers? Humanity cries
You think you are gods/But everyone dies
Don’t spoiler my soul/Our souls

Are they going to tell us spoilers?

Are they going to tell us spoilers?

The Dothraki have underestimated Dany from the beginning. Only Khal Drogo had an idea of what his wife was capable of, and even he died before he saw her true power, when she walked through fire and gave birth to dragons. These guys had no idea what they were dealing with. They thought this was a plaything to try on and throw away? They thought they would sell her to the Master of Yunkai and get money for her? Jorah and Daario didn’t need to go through all that fighting to get to Dany (though the fact that Jorah’s greyscale is now out in the open is a relief to all so we can get on with that particular plotline.)

No sir. Dany is here, and Dany is going to take charge. Because there’s one thing Dany knows that they don’t.

Fire cannot harm a dragon.

it gets better. Check out how fast this place goes up. Apparently they didn’t use flame retardant materials. Tisk Tisk. OSHA would have something to say about that. (No not that Osha, she’s dead. The Other…nevermind. Just look at the pretty fire, ok?)

Pretty. Fire. Drogon, sir,. even your services will not be necessary for this trip. Mama’s got a brand new look, and it goes really well with her wig.



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