Monday, May 9, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 3 “Oathbreaker” Recap Round-Up


Fans and critics alike have more than enough to be joyful for this week with flashbacks, schemes, and justice in a Game of Thrones episode filled to the brim with Starks.

“And now it begins.”

In Watchers’ own reviews, Sue (Sullied) is absolutely gleeful for Ser Arthur and the highly anticipated Tower of Joy while Oz offers the Unsullied insight, relishes in the memorable flashback and set up the episode provided for our characters.

Since this episode contained moments from the book series and the past, some authors are noted as Sullied or Unsullied. Be sure to still exercise caution when reading some reviews for book spoilers.

Myles McNutt, A.V. Club (Sullied) – In support of the show’s decision to hold off on Lyanna in the Tower, McNutt applauds the flashback and the newly resurrected Jon Snow.

Alyssa Rosenberg, The Washington Post (Sullied) – Raving for the character development of Dany, Arya, and Jon, Rosenberg declares “Oathbreaker” the best of Season 6 yet.

Sean T. Collins, Rolling Stone – Collins remarks on Jon’s return, the messiness of magic, and Rickon Stark.

Rob Bricken, io9 – Bricken is still reeling from the fact that Game of Thrones is not only passing the books but racing downhill towards its endgame. He rejoices for a different Jon Snow, the Tower of Joy, and the anger and rebellion swelling up in our characters.

James Hibberd, Entertainment Weekly – Hibberd delves into House Stark, the continuation of Season 6’s major death streak, and Kit Harington in “Oathbreaker.”

Sarah Hughes, The Guardian (Sullied) – Appreciating the slower pace of the episode, Hughes discusses advancing plot lines, the truth and what it means for our characters.

Neil Miller, Film School Rejects – Miller examines the Starks’ past, present, and future and the Prince That Was Promised.

Daniel D’Addario, Time – Reflecting on Jon Snow’s return, D’Addario notes the multiple characters grappling with faith in “Oathbreaker.”

David Crow, Den of Geek – Crow discusses the episode’s shifting momentum as the series drifts farther from the books and deeper into the unknown.

Angela Watercutter, Wired – Commenting on the seemingly endless build-up thus far in the series, Watercutter makes further adjustments to her dead pool now that Jon Snow is back in the Game.

Alan Sepinwall, Hitfix – Sepinwall also calls this episode the “most satisfying installment of Season 6 so far” and credits that to the supreme storytelling in “Oathbreaker.”

Brandon Norwalk, A.V. Club (Unsullied) – In what he thought was a “moody” episode, Norwalk reviews oath breakers and the thrill of the Tower of Joy.

Jen Chaney, Vulture – Chaney comments the excellence of the episode’s name, the tease at the Tower of Joy, and the moments of levity “Oathbreaker” provided.

Stephanie Merry, The Washington Post – Merry dives into the return of Rickon Stark, the ominous Ramsay Bolton and what the combination means for the rest of the season.

Sonia Saraiya, Salon – Saraiya notes the many surprises this episode and the resolution of some plots in “Oathbreaker.”

Laura Stone, Hey, Don’t Judge Me (Unsullied) – Stone cheers for another exciting addition to Season 6.

Welcome new addition David Rosenblatt, an occasional WotW contributor (you may recognize him as SirSquinty from the Memory Lane series) who breaks down “Oathbreaker” and discusses the Queen of Nothing, Shaggydog, and Jon Snow.

Stay tuned for Bex’s video recap round-up later this week where she’ll gather the best Game of Thrones-themed videos following “Oathbreaker.”

Who were your favorite reviewers? Have any additions we should check out? Let us know below!

The post Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 3 “Oathbreaker” Recap Round-Up appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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