Thursday, May 19, 2016

Sackheim Shoots Down Pink Letter Fan Theory

If there’s one thing all fans of the A Song of Ice and Fire series love, it’s a good conspiracy theory. The fandom is simply brimming with them, sometimes to the point of disbelief by the show only folks. Everything from the alphabet math of R+L=J to the other alphabet math of MK+J=Ty. (Follow any of that?) In other paranoid delusions there’s Howland Reed will really turn out to be the High Sparrow, Meera and Jon are Twins and the always mindbendingly hilarious “Varys is a merman.” Everything they tell us is suspect–and not just that “Jon Snow is Dead.”

Which brings me to this week’s letter that arrives at Castle Black, delivered by a man with a Flayed Man shield. It is a variation on the same letter than arrives (via less obvious means) in A Dance With Dragons. It is known in the fandom as “The Pink Letter,” due to the wax it is sealed with. It claims to have been written by Bolton. But of course, the fandom cannot have that be nearly so straight forward. Our own in-house tinfoil hatters have suggested it was sent by anyone from people who are dead on the show (Mance, Stannis) to people who have no interested in sending such a letter considering where they are currently on the show (Theon, Melisandre.)

Screenshot 2016-05-16 at 12.35.12 AM

The show moved the letter’s delivery from prior to Jon Snow’s Night of the Long Knives to post Costume Change, basically ensures that all the book-supported candidates for this theory are out of the running, and now have it where it bolsters Sansa’s argument in a way so perfectly timed one could suggest she wrote it instead. But despite the fact that the show changed up the Pink Letter’s delivery time, delivery method and text to reflect facts on the TV show ground instead of the ones in the books doesn’t sway the most committed paranoid in the fandom, which is how come director Daniel Sackheim found himself having to answer questions such as “could someone else have written that letter?”

His answer: A resounding No. “This I can tell you without any concern [of spoilers]. That letter was written by Ramsay,” Sackheim told Tech Insider.

Sansa reads the Pink Letter

“It’s the ignition, or trigger, in terms of them going through the process of taking Winterfell back,” Sackheim said. “How they’re going to take Winterfell back, I can’t say. But it’s the beginning of that process.”

Of course, as Tech Insider goes on to note, that’s not really going to satisfy fan paranoia, which now falls on another suspect: Littlefinger. After all, it was Littlefinger who pushed Lysa Arryn to write the letter to Catelyn Stark way back at the beginning of the books and the show, that set everything in motion and got us where we are today. It could *always* be Littlefinger.

But the show seems to have had enough lying for now, what with that whole “Jon Snow is Dead” number that tried to pull. If they’re saying the letter is from Ramsay, then we should just come and see.


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