Monday, May 23, 2016

Someone Correctly Predicted How Hodor Got His Name Back In 2008

Brb, just spending the rest of my life avoiding doors. Contains spoilers if you’re not up to date.

In case you accidentally clicked on this without having seen episode 5, this is your last warning. SPOILERS ARE COMING.

In case you accidentally clicked on this without having seen episode 5, this is your last warning. SPOILERS ARE COMING.


So if you've made it this far that means you've seen the new episode. In turn, this means your heart is broken and you'll never love again.

So if you've made it this far that means you've seen the new episode. In turn, this means your heart is broken and you'll never love again.

You held the door, Wylis. You held it good. 💔

HBO / Via

In what was probably the most gut-wrenching episode ending since the Red Wedding, the internet understandably was immediately in need of a hug.

In what was probably the most gut-wrenching episode ending since the Red Wedding, the internet understandably was immediately in need of a hug.


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