Monday, May 16, 2016

Unsullied Recap, Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 4: Book of the Stranger


Spoiler note: The discussion in this post is primarily for non-book readers as well as viewers who have NOT been spoiled by leaks (book fans can discuss the show-only here). We ask that all Sullied book-readers refrain from posting spoilers in the comments here, veiled or otherwise. No spoilers, at all! This show is best viewed without knowing all the surprises beforehand or afterwards, so please be respectful of your fellow fans. Thank you! 

Welcome back, all ye loyal Wallbies. A man returns to take you from being an Oathbreaker to opening the Book of a Stranger (verse 25 to be exact).

This week brought us quite a few notable reunions, one of which I was never sure we would see again. Saddle up Unsullied and unburnt, for Grey Worm is not impressed with the new leadership, and Dany shows us all how to truly light up a house party…


The Wall

We open up with Jon cleaning out the CEO/LC office with CFO Edd doing his best to guilt him into staying.

Sansa Pod

But just as the conversation gets heated, the horn blows and if you listened closely, you could faintly hear “Peaches and Herb” blasting through the Wall’s loudspeakers.


After years, Jon and Sansa are reunited. And yes, it does feel so good. They take a few minutes to reminisce, but quickly turn to what they will do next. While Jon exclaims that he is tired of fighting, Sansa makes it clear that she will take back their home even if she has to do it on her own. The little red head is growing up.


Meanwhile, Badass Brienne makes her presence felt as only she can, confronting Davos and Mel and telling them that she was the lucky one who executed Stannis right after he admitted that he was responsible for Renly’s death. Of course, the interruption happened right as Davos was inquiring with Velvet about what became of Shireen.

The dynamic between the three and how it progresses will be interesting to observe as Brienne makes it clear that she does not necessarily forgive or forget. But it is quite exciting to see these forces form an alliance together behind the leadership of Jon and how many pieces of the puzzle are beginning to come together.

Later on, the crew converse in a working lunch meeting. And this happens…googif1

Brienne Giantsbane? Tormund of Tart? Baby seal Brienne? Make up your own below.


To reinforce what must be done, Jon receives an eloquent letter from Ramsay stating that he has Rickon in the dungeon and must return Sansa in order to avoid punishment.

Again, the new Sansa zealously leads Jon to understand what they must do or that the entire North will suffer. Jon agrees although it is unclear how much of the North will follow considering what we already know of the Karstarks and the Umbers.

Robin ep 4

The Vale

Robin, I miss your mother.

Robin has been training for a year with very little progression and somewhere in Disneyland, Merida is weeping at his archery skills.

Also, ceasing breastfeeding apparently induces puberty quickly as the “sweet Robin” voice has been exchanged for a more manly version.


Our first look at Lysakiller in season 6 occurs as he arrives bringing Lord Robin a cool rare bird. At least this gift can fly should Robin decide to toss it out the moon door.

When Royce questions how Sansa ended up with the Bolton’s, LF turns his inquiries around on how the Bolton’s could only have known where they were considering the only people he told were at the Vale. And of course, Robin’s favorite pastime is watching people fly through the moon door.


But LF decides Royce deserves another shot and luckily Robin, who is heavily enthralled by his new bird, agrees. LF and Robin also agree that the Knights of the Vale should go help Jon in defeating the Boltons.

Where this fits in with the overall Littlefinger strategy to make Westeros great again is unknown. The possibilities seem to be endless and I’ve got plenty of guesstimates, so let’s discuss below.

Aidan Gillen as Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish Credit: Helen Sloan/HBO

Aidan Gillen as Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish
Credit: Helen Sloan/HBO



Lord Ramsay is approached by Osha with a gift of her own but with other intentions in mind. Honestly, my only thoughts throughout the entire scene were how quickly Ramsay was going to kill her. And he did. And the wait for Ramsay’s demise continues…



Theon arrives back home to see his sister and to pledge his help in Yara’s quest to rule the Iron Islands. At this point, it’s difficult to gauge the importance of this in the big picture, but a conflict is on the horizon for both of them as it relates to the emergence of Euron. If Yara does end up taking her father’s place, you could easily assume that she will be an ally for Jon and company. But then again, assuming anything in GoT is horribly unwise.


Yes! Razdal. I love how GoT brings back minor characters after years of absence.


Tyrion and Varys hold a meeting with the Masters and Yezzan, the slave owner that bought Tyrion last season. Tyrion suggests that the Masters don’t need slaves to continue their way of life and that they implement a plan to dissolve slavery over the next seven years instead of attempting to accomplish it immediately.


Later, a group of slaves meet Tyrion in protest. Although they disagree, Grey Worm and Missandei do their best to encourage the slaves that Tyrion is making the right decision. But following the meeting, Worm makes it clear that the Masters can’t be trusted and that they will end up using him.


More on this below.


Vaes Dothrak

Jorah and “old man, joke-cracking” Daario make their way into Vaes Dothrak to attempt to save Dany from the Khals and an eternity with the Stinky Khal Widows Anonymous group.


After Jorah receives a pretty good ass whipping, the duo find Dany and another young widow. Dany tells them that they will never make it out of Vaes Dothrak alive if they run but that there is another way…


King’s Landing

Regardless of how long Margaery remains in a cell, somehow her beauty remains unaffected as does her mental state. She meets with the Sparrow and is allowed to go visit with Loras who is not holding up well at all. She urges him to stay strong. However, Loras simply wants out whatever the cost may be.


Meanwhile, Cersei and Jaime once again show up uninvited to a small council meeting. But this time, they’ve got a plan that involves the Tyrell army and saving Margaery from a walk of atonement. All of a sudden, everyone seems to be on the same page in ridding KL of the militant.


And I’ll be honest… it’s about damn time. I realize that there are other factors involved other than simply mobilizing soldiers and killing off all of the militant.

Diana Rigg as Olenna Tyrell and Ian Gelder as Kevan Lannister Credit: Helen Sloan/HBO

Diana Rigg as Olenna Tyrell and Ian Gelder as Kevan Lannister
Credit: Helen Sloan/HBO

To be fair, Jaime hasn’t been back in town long. An attack obviously puts Loras and Margaery in danger and as stated in the council, a “civil war” may also ensue. But as much as I like Pryce in the role of the Sparrow, I’m ready to see KL move past this story.


Fire and Blood

Finally, Dany is brought to a meeting of the Khals where her punishment for not immediately reporting to the Dosh Khaleen following Drago’s death is to be decided. After the typical Dothraki “what my pecker tastes like” jokes subside, Dany essentially tells them that they are all losers and lets the MF’ers burn.


The rest of the residents witness the blaze and as Dany emerges, everyone bends the knee. In other news, Vaes Dothrak will need a new welcome center.


Episode 604 Personal Awards

Favorite Quotes:

“If we don’t take back the North, we will never be safe.” –Sansa

“Yes, it’s in the past. It doesn’t mean I forgive. Or forget.” –Brienne

“Makes me sad. You’ll disappoint her before long. She’ll move on.”-Jorah

“I should have been born a Dothraki.” –Daario

“Let them win.” –Loras

“My dear, you have been stripped of your dignity and authority, publicly shamed, and confined to the Red Keep. What’s left to work with?” –QoT

“You are not going to serve, You are going to die.” -Dany

Borrowed Time Award: Pycelle. Cersei can’t wait.

 Ow, That Shit Hurts Award: The skull/body crushing by way of a rock thanks to Daario. Anyone notice the blood spatter on the screen?

Jackass Award: Ramsay is always a leading candidate, but this week the award goes to Daario for the old man jokes (and the weird “kissing the tit knife” sequence). I can’t decide if I like him or if I want Jorah to kill him.


Overall Thoughts: With Dany burning down the house and emerging unscathed, she has once again displayed to another sector of Essos that she is something special. Now that she has the devotion of the Dothraki, this event will likely serve as a turning point in her quest to free the slave cities and move forward in her return to Westeros.

What is unclear is how she will handle the decisions made by Tyrion and the seven-year slave plan. Missandei and Worm surely weren’t impressed. But Tyrion has found a way to survive this long, and now he also has a rapport with the dragons on his side. For the first time in a while, I’m intrigued by Dany’s story.

That’s it for me today Ladies and Sers!

Next week, a man will be on location performing my annual study on twenty-somethings who party too hard for 3 days in the sun while absorbing musical composition (also referred to as “taking Ozzette to a festival”).

Due to my past experiences in previous battles over data (and the coinciding inability to see the show in a timely manner), a man has recruited Clare to author next week’s recap. So be nice to her! And if you have any suggestions on undercard bands to check out, here is the list. A man thanks you in advance.

Have a great week, and may there always be peace in your realm. -Oz

“Unbowed. Unbent. Unsullied.”

Find Oz on Twitter.

**SPOILER NOTE: The Management of this fine site would like to remind you that spoilers (book or leak) are not allowed in Unsullied posts. This includes spoilers that may be covered by code or otherwise. Personally, I appreciate feedback from Sullied and Unsullied alike, so long as they do not include any type of hinting or conversation related to the written verse. However, spoiler coded comments do tend to lead to further Sullied conversation and for that reason, we ask that you please refrain from posting any SPOILERY content whatsoever in Unsullied posts. Thank you for the coop. -Oz

The post Unsullied Recap, Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 4: Book of the Stranger appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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