Monday, May 9, 2016

Unsullied Recap, Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 3: Oathbreaker


Spoiler note: The discussion in this post is primarily for non-book readers as well as viewers who have NOT been spoiled by leaks (book fans can discuss the show-only here). We ask that all Sullied book-readers refrain from posting spoilers in the comments here, veiled or otherwise. No spoilers, at all! This show is best viewed without knowing all the surprises beforehand or afterwards, so please be respectful of your fellow fans. Thank you! 

Oh yes. We were dead only to be resurrected in “Home” and somehow made it to “Oathbreaker” to find a hell of a battle in a flashback and an abundance of information to anatomize.

If you feel as if you might not have comprehended it all, don’t feel as if you walk alone. Last night’s ep served up a lot to digest. Join a man at the water cooler as we attempt to make sense of it all.

The Wall


“Oathbreaker” rightfully picked up where we left off, with Jon catching his breath and attempting to make heads or tails of what the hell just happened. Luckily, he’s got Davos who just so happens to be a smooth operator and is damn good at putting things in perspective… even if you are a person who was just brought back from the dead.

The conversation leads Jon to ask why he was brought back and admitting failure in what he was trying to accomplish. But Davos, the eternal motivational speaker/salesman of the decade inspires Jon to “fail again.”


Later on, the mutineers (or four of them at least) are hung including Alliser Thorne and everyone’s favorite youngster, Olly. Cue the violence pieces about killing kids again. I’m sure this one will be somehow less appalling than its predecessors.

We have to assume that when Jon handed over the Crow gear to Edd, that he will be on a mission to make things right in Westeros most likely starting with his home, Winterfell.

With that, let’s skip around a bit…


Down south a bit, everyone’s favorite psychopath is enjoying his newfound power as Warden of the North and Lord of Winterfell. He is joined by his partner-in-crime Lord Karstark, both of whom are being courted by the new Lord Umber.


For those Unsullied that may not remember (it has been a while), the Umbers are where Osha and Rickon were sent by Bran at the end of Season 3 to protect Rickon as potentially being the surviving heir to their home. But Smalljon Umber has other plans, most importantly of which is to survive an impending attack by Jon and the Wildlings.

To prove to Ramsay that Rickon was in fact who Umber says he is, he produces the head of Shaggydog, and yet another of the Stark direwolves is dead. Smalljon’s intent is to form an alliance to thwart the efforts of Jon and whoever may decide to follow him. And to be honest, regardless of his intentions, I was fascinated (and amused) by the way he spoke to Ramsay and how he refused to bend the knee. I am curious to know if this guy is really forming an alliance with Ramsay, or if he is truly on the side of the Starks and intends to betray him if/when the battle takes place.

Seasick Sam

Do you see the sea? They call it the sea because all you can see is the sea. See what I mean?

sam gilly

Sam and Gilly are headed to the Citadel, or at least that is what Gilly was led to believe. In between blowing chunks on the boat, Sam tells Gilly that he will be taking she and Baby Sam to the home of the Tarly’s since there is no place for women at the Citadel.

Even though Sam explains that his mother is a loving woman, it will be interesting to see (sea?) how the arrival is received by his father. We’ve heard a lot about Randyll, but we’ve yet to meet him. And if what we have been told is any indication, there may not be a welcome mat waiting on Gilly and the baby.

Also, is this the first time “Horn Hill” has been mentioned in the show? A man thinks.

Arya still blind?

Yes. And her training of the senses continues as the Waif and a Man continue to make sure that she is sure that she is no one.


The way the scene was constructed with Arya getting her ass whipped concurrently with the interview with the Waif was actually one of my favorites from the episode.


By the end of it, Arya reluctantly drinks from the fountain of death. But instead of falling over in a heap and enduring a death Waif full-body scrub, Arya regains her sight. I’m happy to see (as Arya is) this portion of the story moving forward. Speaking of moving forward (or not)…

King’s Landing


Crazy chemist Qyburn seems to be holding a day camp for the local homeless kids, serving up helpings of plums in order to retain their services as “Little Birds.” Cersei, Jaime and Mountain Man enter so Cersei can tell Qyburn that she wants the birds to fly everywhere, including Dorne. There was also an implication of a trial by combat that left me somewhat scratching my head.


Shortly thereafter, the three enter into a small council meeting with Kevan serving as hand and the return of the Queen of Thorns! After Pycelle realizes he’s put his foot in his mouth about Qyburn and the Mountain experiment, Kevan excuses himself and the rest of the council when Jaime and Cersei refuse to leave.


This exchange essentially goes nowhere, other than to let the viewers know that somehow Jaime has learned that Trystane was indeed killed by the Sand Snakes and that Kevan and the council could not care less about the concerns of the Jaime and Cersei.

Tommen then goes to confront the Sparrow and argues that his mother has had sufficient atonement and should be able to view the resting place of Myrcella. Oddly enough, Tommen says nothing about his wife during the exchange.


Personally, I still find the story in KL intriguing with the dynamics between the ruling family and the faith militant. But I am ready to see it progress. I realize we are only at the end of episode 3, but it seems as if getting the militant out would be the first priority for the King, the Council, and Jaime and Cersei. When Cersei sits down, she asks Kevan if he is concerned about Dorne and what happened to his niece. But first things first… the situation in KL realistically has to be dealt with before anything else.

Dany and the Widows


Dany is led into Vaes Dothrak and is immediately routed to the Dothraki Welcome Center hut where other Khal widows reside.


She is informed that this is where she will be staying for a while and is given the official Dothraki issued widow uniform.

Dosh Khaleen

This kind lady explains that since Dany did not come immediately to the welcome center after Drogo dying, other punishments may be in her future.

Meanwhile in Meereen, Varys’ birds have been doing their homework and find Vala, the lady who has been assisting the Harpy beginning with the murder of White Rat at the beginning of Season 5.

Varys essentially makes her an offer she can’t refuse when he brings up her son Dom and offers her a safe way out of the city in exchange for information.

Grey Miss

Vary reports back to Tyrion (after engaging in a blistering conversation with Worm and Missandei) that the Harpy are funded by masters in Yunkai and Astapor, and by the slave owners in Volantis.


Basically, this means that Essos reasonably appears to be a full-fledged dumpster fire. With Dany hanging in widow hell, and Daario and Jorah still searching, it is hard to fathom how she will ever make it across the Narrow Sea assuming she wants to leave the East in good shape when she exits.

Bran and the Tower


The flashbacks might be the scenes I look forward to the most this season. The show seems to have put these in as a natural progression in Bran learning “everything” while giving us viewer-only peeps some history and backstory of instances we have heard about in the past.


Finally, we discover what must be the Tower of Joy, with Young Ned and Howland Reed on approach. Bran recognizes Ser Arthur Dayne and recalls that his father told him that he was the best swordsman he ever met. Joffrey also spoke of Dayne while looking at a book of knights in Season 4.


At this point, Rhaegar has been killed and Dayne was sent to protect Lyanna who was apparently being held in the tower. When Ned asks where his sister is, Dayne pulls his swords and an intense, incredibly well-choreographed fight ensues. However, the ending is not as Bran expected as Dayne was a much better swordsman than Ned and would have killed him had Reed not stabbed him in the back.

Open Chat

As Ned begins to run into the tower after hearing screams, Bran attempts to follow but is stopped by the Three-Eyed Raven, leaving us to find out what is happening inside at a later date.

And here is where it gets tricky for viewers (and I assume book readers as well). I think it’s pretty obvious what Bran will see as he follows his father up those steps. We know that Rhaegar is dead, and we know from the conversation between Littlefinger and Sansa that the truth behind Rhaegar and Lyanna’s relationship has been misrepresented. By other accounts, Rhaegar was an honorable man.

This all leads to a theory about Rhaegar and Lyanna, and I’m afraid to say anything from fear of spoiling something for Unsullieds that don’t have a clue what I am talking about. And BELIEVE me, there are plenty of them. The truth will be revealed soon anyway. But if you are one of those who might not know about the theory, I suggest not reading the comments of this post. And if you are a book reader, do not post comments to confirm or deny anything. A man appreciates it.

Episode 603 Personal Awards

Favorite Quotes:

“You were dead. Now you’re not. That’s completely fucking mad, seems to me.” –Disbelieving Davos

“Now go fail again.” –Davos

“They think you’re some kind of God. I know you’re not. I saw your pecker. What kind of God would have a pecker that small?” – Tormund

“Sea. See. They’re spelled differently but they sound the same.” –what Sue says to me every time she edits my rants.

“And now it begins.” –Arthur Dayne

“Now it ends.” –Ned

“I don’t know how you stand it in all that leather.” –Hot Varys

“It’s not what I want. It’s what the Gods want.” –Sparrow

“Your father was a cunt.” -Umber

Historical Badass Award: Ser Arthur Dayne

Ow, That Shit Hurts Award: Everyone that Arthur Dayne cut open.

Jackass Award: I’ll take Smalljon Umber for turning over Osha and Rickon to Ramsay, and killing Shaggydog (although Smalljon was quite an amusing fellow). Worth noting also is that all-time jackass award record holder Alliser Thorne will no longer be claiming this prize, because now his watch is ended, as has Jon’s.

Overall Thoughts: As stated before, lots of info to digest. Since I pretty much dig every GoT episode ever made (although many of them are far from perfect), I tend to gauge immediate fan response from the other Unsullied at House Oz. Ozzette was kind of “meh” after the episode which may be a good representation of others as well. But it is not uncommon for Game of Thrones to set up plots or “wars to come” early in the season where we all reap the rewards later on.  And this one put a quite a few players in motion.

Thoughts? Spew them like Sam below.

Have a great week, and may there always be peace in your realm. -Oz

“Unbowed. Unbent. Unsullied.”

Find Oz on Twitter.

**SPOILER NOTE: The Management of this fine site would like to remind you that spoilers (book or leak) are not allowed in Unsullied posts. This includes spoilers that may be covered by code or otherwise. Personally, I appreciate feedback from Sullied and Unsullied alike, so long as they do not include any type of hinting or conversation related to the written verse. However, spoiler coded comments do tend to lead to further Sullied conversation and for that reason, we ask that you please refrain from posting any SPOILERY content whatsoever in Unsullied posts. Thank you for the coop. -Oz

The post Unsullied Recap, Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 3: Oathbreaker appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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