Friday, July 1, 2016

18 Things That Will Definitely Maybe Happen In "Game Of Thrones" Season 7

Don’t worry, I’m almost always wrong.

Despite her fucking massive fleet, Dany won't head straight for King's Landing.

Despite her fucking massive fleet, Dany won't head straight for King's Landing.

As the credits rolled on Season 6, Dany's newfound coalition of Tyrells, Martells, Greyjoys, Dothraki, Unsullied, and dragons looked pretty much unbeatable. And considering Cersei has about as many friends as Varys has testicles, the crown surely wouldn't be able to mount much of a defence as things stand.

That said, it wouldn't make much tactical sense to approach King's Landing from the sea – just ask Stannis – and from a TV point of view, they're surely going to make us wait for the inevitable sacking of King's Landing.

The most likely starting point is her family's ancestral home of Dragonstone – an island not too far from the capital – which was Stannis's home until he went north. It would make the perfect base for an invasion – when Aegon the Conqueror first took Westeros three centuries earlier this is how it went down, so it's likely his great-great-great-etc.-granddaughter will follow suit.


Before burning everyone with dragon fire, she'll have a go at diplomacy.

Before burning everyone with dragon fire, she'll have a go at diplomacy.

Daario was right when he called Daenerys a conqueror – but luckily for her, her brand new Hand, Tyrion, is very much a politician. He knows there is more than one way to skin a direwolf. In the Martells, Tyrells, and (some) Greyjoys, she already has the support of some of Westeros's most powerful houses, so before declaring war she'll probably just try asking politely.

A lot of her invasion is likely to be reminiscent of Aegon I's, when he – along with his two sisters – flew their dragons to every corner of Westeros to ask for support. Those who bent the knee were left alone, those who did not...well, you can probably imagine. But their swords now make up the Iron Throne.

With the Freys and Tullys now gone, the Riverlands are up for grabs, and there's been no one of note in the Baratheon home of Storm's End for years – so if Dany gets the support of the North and the Vale, it'll only be the Lannisters she needs to beat. So...


We'll see Dany fly north to meet her nephew.

We'll see Dany fly north to meet her nephew.

Very few people have as much reason to want Cersei Lannister off the throne/dead as shit than the Stark children, so it would make sense to get the North on side.

If Dany wants leverage, she could take her new pal Theon along with her. Though his reception from Jon might be icy, Sansa would surely welcome him after the things they went through at the hands of Ramsay.

And if you cast your mind back to the first two episodes of Season 1, you'll remember there was definite mutual respect between Jon and Tyrion (who was also always very kind to Sansa when they were married), so it's a safe bet that the new King in the North would at least listen to what Dany had to say.

Also they will inevitably flirt, which will be kind of gross and excellent in equal measures.


Littlefinger will be a massive dick.

Littlefinger will be a massive dick.

I mean, OK, so that prediction might be as groundbreaking as "Jon will, at some point, look a bit sulky", but after "The Winds of Winter" it looks like Lord Baelish may soon reach a whole new level of dick-like behaviour.

In an uncharacteristic moment of weakness, he finally admitted to Sansa that he wanted the Iron Throne for himself, and he seems intent on driving a wedge between the siblings in an effort to get it.

However, Sansa (along with Tyrion) is one of the most savvy people in Westeros after everything she's been through, so it's unlikely that she'd ever let herself fully trust pervy uncle Petyr – particularly over her own brother.


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