Monday, July 4, 2016

Game of Thrones Funnies: Cersei lets it go, an impressionist lets it rip, and more

Game of Thrones funnies are a go. Let’s take a look at some of the hilarious curiosities making their way round the net recently.

First, Scheiffer Bates, who you may remember as the guy who once appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! and read a box of Frosted Flakes in the voice of Jon Snow, has made a tribute to Season 6. Check him out as he burns through Jon Snow, Jorah Mormont, Littlefinger, Tormund Giantsbane, Ramsay Bolton, and more.

He’s very good, this Mr. Bates. His Varys might be my favorite, but his High Sparrow is pretty dead-on, too.

If you’re like most people, when you watch Game of Thrones, you wonder how much all of the various injuries done to characters on the show would be insured for if they happened today.

Wait, you don’t wonder that? Well, maybe some insurance adjusters do. In any case, the people behind Claim of Thrones have been thinking about it—they’ve made a website that tracks how much many of these injuries are worth, from Tyrion’s facial scarring in Season 2 to the lost of Jaime’s hand in Season 3 to Jorah’s contraction of greyscale in Season 5. It’s a bit of an odd idea, but there’s for all takers in the Game of Thrones fandom.

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Back to videos, this remix of Cersei’s big scene from “The Winds of Winter.” I don’t remember this burning of the Sept being quite so inspirational, but Disney songs will do that.

Meanwhile, over on TBS, Conan O’Brien discovers who’s legally supposed to inherit the Iron Throne now that Tommen is dead. It’s not who you think.

h/t Entertainment Weekly


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