Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Houses Stark and Targaryen rule Game of Thrones merchandise sales

Game of Thrones merchandise is everywhere. There are GoT-themed garments aplenty, action figures, shot glasses, replica swords, and more. Much of it is branded with the sigils of the many Houses on the show, and in April of this year, Slice Intelligence put together some nifty graphs showing which Houses sit atop the Iron Throne of sales.


As you can see, House Stark leads House Targaryen by a decent margin, while both Houses outdistance third place finisher House Lannister. The Starks have always been the heart of the show, and even after Season 5—when Jon was dead, Arya blind, and Sansa’s fate unresolved—the love for them was strong.

Dany definitely held it down for House Targaryen. Her long journey from put-upon pawn to powerful queen is worth some merch sales. Meanwhile, with the scheming Cersei as its frontman, House Lannister has never been very popular, so it’s not surprising that it took third. What surprises me about this graph is how low House Greyjoy sits. I mean, it’s behind House Tarth, for Seven’s sake. But then again, the Greyjoys had been on the sidelines for a while before Season 6.

Moving on, this graph ranks merchandise sales by character.


Daenerys leads Jon Snow by a good bit, which is surprising. Jon had an exciting Season 5, but perhaps he was never going to be popular as someone who uses a dragon as her preferred method of transport.

It’s interesting how many dead characters made the graph. Khal Drogo and Ned Stark have been dead since Season 1, Robb Stark since Season 3, and Joffrey Baratheon since Season 4, but here they are. Also, seeing Hodor on this graph just makes me sad. Rest in peace, you sweet giant.

Hopefully, Slice Intelligence will gather new data to reflect how sales have changed since Season 6. If I were a betting man, I’d guess that House Targaryen would overtake Hosue Stark in terms of overall sales, while Jon Snow will overtake Daenerys on on the character graph.

Via http://winteriscoming.net/2016/09/27/houses-stark-targaryen-rule-game-thrones-merchandise-sales/

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