Thursday, February 11, 2016

Conan Makes Fun of Martin For Not Producing Winds of Winter

Whether or not you feel sorry for George R.R. Martin who may be the highest profile writer to publicly blow a deadline of this magnitude, you have to admit, poking fun of him for it is a bit like reaching for the low hanging fruit. We all know Martin still blogs, still goes to events, still has a life, and still hasn’t finished The Winds of Winter. Life is just unfair that way.

And yet, Conan, who in probably the closest thing we have to a late night stand in for the boys who are chomping at the bit to get the next installment of the series (sort of like Stephen Colbert is the stand in for all the Star Wars and Lord of the Rings nerds), isn’t going to let up. Martin might have denied himself his honorary degree until the book is finished, but that’s not good enough. He’s going to investigate exactly what George R.R. Martin is *doing* with himself, since his book isn’t finished.

here I thought he was going to be making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in that first clip. For the record, I find that’s excellent writing food myself. And though the prankster bits of hitting things with baseball bats (the pinata, and the mailboxes) made me wonder if perhaps he was taking out his frustrations with how the book is going on inanimate objects, my personal favorite was him “bubble walking.”

And for those who might be concerned–no that’s not actually Martin. he did not take time away from writing The Winds of Winter to make fun of himself not working on The Winds of Winter. As meta-funny as that would have been, he’s really too busy for that.


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