Sunday, February 14, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 teaser leaks early

The official Game of Thrones Twitter account promises that a teaser for Season 6 of the show will drop tonight, right before the debut of Vinyl, a new HBO show.

This being 2016, the teaser has leaked a little early. Take a look:

Unfortunately, there’s no new footage, but there are some intriguing hints about what may be coming here. We’re inside the House of Black and White, and we see the faces of some of the show’s most dearly departed cast members, including Ned, Robb, Catelyn, Joffrey, Jon, and a newcomer.

First of all, note that HBO includes Jon Snow in its roll call of dead people, despite persistent rumors that the character will be coming back this year. Also, the quote that plays when we see Catelyn’s face (“Show them how it feels to lose what they love.”) is sure to stir a few debates.

And then there’s that newcomer. Although we don’t hear a quote from him, that’s pretty clearly Peter Dinklage’s face in the Hall of Faces. Notice the telltale facial scar.

What does this mean? Does Tyrion die? Is there more to the House of Black and White than we know? Is HBO just teasing us? Wait for April 24, or for a trailer, to find out more.


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