After a year away, Game of Thrones returns to one of their original Spanish locations from Season 5 to film scenes for Season 7. When Game of Thrones first headed to Spain to film scenes in Dorne and Meereen for Season 5, it seemed like a bit of an experiment, trying out a new country with new landscapes for the southern and eastern parts of Planetos. The experiment went so well that last year, for Season 6, they moved the production bag and baggage to Spanish shores. Notably though, all of the places they went were new. Due to Dany’s being out of Meereen for most of the season, and Dorne having been such a flop, those areas they filmed in for Season 5, Osuna and Seville respectively, were not used.
But with Dany heading across the Narrow Sea, and with allies in Dorne, at least one of those locations has been added back to the filming schedule for this upcoming season. According to El Correo, which was a fountain of info for Season 5 filming back in 2014, the production is returning to Seville this year, though not to the Alcazar, which stood in for the Water Gardens (at least, not at present.) Instead, they’re heading to the shipyards, as would any large fleet that was about to arrive in Westeros.

Image via Wikipedia
Las Reales Atarazanas de Sevilla será otro de los escenarios donde la serie norteamericana ‘Juego de Tronos’ rodará algunas de las escenas de su séptima temporada, según han confirmado desde la productora malagueña Fresco Film a Europa Press.
(Roughly translated: The Royal Shipyards of Seville will be where the American series ‘Game of Thrones’ will shoot some of the scenes of his seventh season, as confirmed by the Malaga Film producer Fresh Europa Press.)
But that’s not the only location they’ll be filming in. El Correo reconfirm the use of the castle at Almodóvar del Río (which looks like Highgarden to me, not that anyone’s asking) as well as the Santiponce ruins as well for a backdrop for….something. (Perhaps the abandoned Dragon Pit in King’s Landing.)
Además de en los astilleros medievales, el rodaje de la séptima temporada de esta exitosa serie de ficción, basada en el universo literario creado por George R.R. Martin, llegará también a las ruinas de Itálica, en la localidad sevillana de Santiponce, y al municipio cordobés de Almodóvar del Río, en cuyo castillo se rodarán algunas escenas.
(Roughly translated: In addition to the medieval shipyards, filming the seventh season of the hit drama series based on the literary universe created by George RR Martin, also heads to the ruins of Italica in Seville town of Santiponce, as well as the Cordovan municipality of Almodovar del Rio, whose castle will be used for shooting.)
No start dates have been given yet for filming, though all rumors currently suggest it will not commence in Spain until at least October.
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