Monday, September 12, 2016

How Big are Men in Westeros?

A fun chart has surfaced comparing the sizes of the characters in Westeros–from their book descriptions, not the TV actors–by height as well as width. How big are the men in Westeros anyway?

This is a world where the last of the Giant race still roamed the planet, at least when the books and TV show began. Those giants might have lived well north of the Wall, but they still did roam. In a world where half men like Tyrion can rise to power and Giants can be brought down with a well timed arrow to the eye, one does wonder: how big are the men in Westeros anyway?

A brand new chart via reddit helps us compare the relative sizes of the characters, in relation to each other, as well as how large a direwolf is really supposed to be.

Please note: all of these are taken from the pages of A Song of Ice and Fire. As we know, direwolves are not really shown much on screen due to budget constraints, and the actors are not always the same size as the characters are described to be in the books. In order to account for this (and for all the characters that the show leaves out) this is strictly an ASOIAF exercise. Please don’t start complaining that Richard Madden or Alfie Allen is actually X’xx”.

[EVERYTHING] This comparison of the size of some characters shows greatly how relatively big some are. from gameofthrones

For me, the biggest takeaway is just how much the show has skimped on the direwolves. Ghost could seriously eat Littlefinger. (And I think we all wouldn’t mind that either.) Ghost should, according to this, top Jon Snow in height. As we know, that’s not even close to the case on screen.

On the other hand, WunWun is actually just about the right size, relative to his human counterparts. I always sort of assumed the show giants were shorter than their book counterparts, due to the physical constraints of the human body and what can be accomplished with CGI. But the show did actually have the giants the right size.

Pity about those Stark wolves though.



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