Friday, September 2, 2016

More Arrivals in Belfast and Game of Thrones Season 7 Rumors

An A-list actor has been spotted in Belfast this morning to begin working on Game of Thrones Season 7, while wild rumors ride across the land. As August turns into September and autumn’s chill arrives in Ireland, so now too do the actors who have had the summertime off (for once). The foreshortened season and the need for the outdoor locations to be winterized everywhere may account for the delay. But now, like the white raven signalling the change of the seasons, the actors arriving in Belfast signal the change of the seasons.

Today’s major catch come courtesy of Twitter. Unlike some actors in the cast, Peter Dinkalge has a way of keeping out of the spotlight during the off season, and traveling in such a way that we don’t usually catch him coming back and forth from Belfast. (It helped that the last two seasons, the majority of his on-location filming was in Spain.) This year he wasn’t so lucky.

Is it really him?

Why yes, it is.

While we wait for others to show back up to the Titanic Studios sets, impatient reporters hungry for any sort of news have been reduced to hyping the slimmest of pickings. Jim Broadbent’s casting announcement may have pushed one or two over the edge completely, as now we have a wild rumor that (of all people) Angela Lansbury, the 90 year old Murder She Wrote actress is “in talks.”

Say what? Broadbent’s casting made sense. He fits the casting call description of one of the characters put forth perfectly. But unlike Broadbent, Lansbury does not even come close to anything on the call sheet. (Not that there were exactly many female parts of repute to be found.) Moreover, the “paper of record” reporting this headline, The Express, claims it comes from a german news site, which they do not link back to at all.

Could some German news site have such an unlikely scoop? Or is this one of those games of telephone where an innocent post rounding up Game of Thrones funnies is misunderstood, drawn through the ringer and comes out the other side bizarrely unrecognizable?

We report, you decide and all that. But we’re rating this rumor as almost 100% assuredly false.


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