Sunday, September 11, 2016

WiC Weekly: September 4-10

Welcome to WiC Weekly, where we gather all the Game of Thrones-related news that’s fit to print. Or post. Whatever. Here’s what happened this week:

Let’s just dive in with the Season 7 SPOILERS. Some important information came to the surface this week.

Now that we know the spoilers, it’s time to analyze them more than is generally considered healthy. Join us for a speculation party, won’t you?

It was a great week for rumors. Multiple reports got our hopes up. Then they were dashed. For example, Amazon France got a lot of attention when it posted a release date for The Winds of Winter. Then the publishers had to go and clarify things.

Sticking with rumors that didn’t pan out, Angela Lansubry will NOT, in fact, appear in Game of Thrones Season 7. We probably could have guessed that one, though.

Back to The Winds of Winter, author Brandon Sanderson said that he wouldn’t consider finishing the book should the unthinkable happen to George R.R. Martin. Sanderson is the guy who finished Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series after he died, hence the question.

We asked you to vote for the Best Supporting Actor from Game of Thrones Season 6. Behold your choice:

Taking a lore break, we take a good look at the Dragonpit, one of the most important structures in King’s Landing.

As cast members gather for filming, on-set photos from Game of Thrones Season 7 are starting to pop up. It’s all happening.

Michael McElhatton was on hand at the TV Choice Awards to accept a statue on behalf of Game of Thrones, which was the big winner of the evening.

Westeros is a dangerous place, but a fashionable one, too. Here’s our list of the 20 Best Outfits from Game of Thrones Season 6.


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