Saturday, November 26, 2016

Ellie Kendrick just won’t let this Meera Reed fan theory die

Game of Thrones theories are a fun way to pass the time, but as the series starts to wrap up, the mysteries we once debated ad nauseam are growing fewer and fewer. Season 6 was especially big as far as theory-squashing goes, as we learned who Jon Snow’s mother was, found out what happened to the Hound and discovered the origins of the White Walkers. One fan theory that wasn’t conclusively disproven: the far-flung idea that Meera Reed, Bran Stark’s loyal protector, is actually Jon Snow’s twin.



Now before you scream tin foil at your computer, here’s the evidence in support of this theory, such as it is:

  • Howland Reed, Meera’s alleged father, was at the Tower of Joy when Ned Stark sat by his dying sister’s bedside and promised to look after the son she had with Rhaegar Targaryen. Ned raised that son as Jon Snow.
  • Jon and Meera are the same age.
  • Kendrick and Kit Harington (Jon Snow) kinda look alike.

Jon Snow and Meera Reed

The idea is that, like Luke and Leia Skywalker before them, Jon and Meera were split up to better ensure their security. As the last surviving Targaryens in Westeros, Robert Baratheon wouldn’t suffer them to live.

Now, it seems like we got closure on this particular theory after seeing the immediate aftermath of Jon’s birth in the Season 6 finale, since there was only one, y’know, baby. Also, Kendrick herself cast doubt on the twin idea in an interview she gave before Season 6 started. But when The Huffington Post asked her about it at a recent fan event, she wasn’t entirely sure. “Game of Thrones always surprises us,” she said. “I’m always surprised! I never have any idea of what’s going to happen next. I never rule anything out.”

It seems quite conclusive in terms of Jon’s parentage. I don’t know. We’ve still never really seen where Jojen and Meera [Reed] have come from. We know a little tiny bit about her father. We don’t know anything about her mother, really. So yeah, I’m excited to find out who her parents are and what the situation is.

Now that she mentions it, we don’t know much, if anything, about Meera’s mother. Is this enough to revive the theory? We have months to go before Season 7, so sure—let’s have at it.


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