Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Maisie Williams Hints She’s “Locked In” To Game of Thrones Season 7

Over the weekend, Maisie Williams was honored at the Evening Standard’s Film Award as their 2016 “Rising Star.” Though technically she won it on the strength of her performance in The Falling, interviewers on the red carpet and during the post event scrum were far more interesting in her television work. For once it wasn’t just Game of Thrones either, as Williams successfully branched out last season for a season long arc guest star turn in Series 9 of Doctor Who.

The big news in that other franchise, of course, is that Steve Moffat, the showrunner since 2011, will be stepping down after Series 10, which the BBC announced is slated to air in Spring of 2017. And though Capaldi hasn’t said one way or the other if he’ll be staying on, it’s been generally understood ever since he was cast that he would leave when Moffat did. The resulting speculation for a new Doctor has already started, even though its another full year until the next season. Many want to see a female Doctor, or a Doctor of color, both possibilities for which Moffat made sure to set up over the last two seasons. Maisie, who played the role of an immortal girl on the show last season, was asked at the red carpet if she might be interested in throwing her hat into the ring. Her response?

maisie doctor who

“Yes it would be cool but right now I’m locked into some other things. I think a female doctor would be incredible.”

Locked into some other things? Does that mean that Williams is already committed to Game of Thrones Season 7? Remember, they’re not asking about a part she would start filming this year either. They’re asking about a part that would start filming *next year.* Which means Williams thinks she’s locked in not just for Season 7. but also for the heavily rumored Season 8.

For the record, she endorses Idris Elba for the role of the Doctor, but says if everyone insists and she has to take one for the team, she would do the part.


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