Wednesday, February 10, 2016

When will the Season 6 trailer come out, and what do we want from it?

First things first: when is the trailer for Game of Thrones Season 6 coming out? That’s a question that gets more and more pressing as time drags on. This season, the show will be starting later than ever before: April 24. Therefore, it makes sense that the trailer will be dropping later than ever before, but still…the wait is horrible.

And if you’re hoping that someone from inside the production will drop hints, you’re out of luck. Bryan Cogman, a longtime writer on the show, recently admitted on Twitter that he knows nothing about the release date. So much for inside info.

He didn’t know anything about a potential IMAX release for the show, either. WELL, WHAT GOOD ARE YOU, BRYAN?

I’m sorry. I’m sorry—I’m just excitable. We love you, Bryan Cogman. Anyway, even though the trailer is going to come out later than usual, our bet is that it’ll be coming out very soon, assuming the space between the trailer and the Season 6 premiere will be roughly equal to that between previous trailers and previous season premieres. Our best guesses:

  • The trailer will come out this Sunday, February 14, to coincide with the series premiere of HBO’s Vinyl. A happy valentine, indeed.
  • The trailer will come out on Sunday, April 21, to coincide with the season premieres of Girls and Togetherness.
  • The trailer will never come out, and we will waste away into nothing.

I’d keep my eyes peeled on the 14th, personally.

Now, let’s talk about last week’s Small Council. We asked you guys what you wanted out of the Season 6 trailer, and I’m betting most people could have guessed the results.

It’s a runaway win for Jon Snow. Questions about Jon’s fate have dominated discussion about the show since the Season 5 finale, so it’s no surprise that fans are eager to get a glimpse of him in the trailer. Commenter Lady_Vicious1984 got very specific:

I also would love SOME type of hint about Jon in the trailer… what I picture as amazing would be a shot of Jon lying there dead, and then seeing a shadow creeping over his face to indicate someone approaching his body… or even better, a hand reaching down to touch his cheek, and seeing that the arm is clad in red. That would be such a massive tease for me, and would have me itching for season 6 even more than I am now (if that is even possible). Something like that would also be a good cover for HBO, not having to worry about giving anything away about Jon’s fate necessarily in the trailer, but at least giving us another little pre- season 6 cliffhanger :)

Something like that would almost assuredly send fans into a frenzy, so I can see it happening. Still, is it possible that the producers want to take focus off Jon entirely? After all, they keep maintaining that he’s dead—why give in to all the fans who are clamoring for hints about his return? Commenter dwm was thinking along these lines:

I’m on the side of not being overly concerned with content, I just want something. I wouldn’t really expect to see Jon in the trailer, or at least nothing too revealing… Maybe a quick shot of a funeral pyre and/or Mel… Maybe a short glimpse of Bastardbowl, without really implying Jon is involved. Just enough to build the hype without any solid answers.

The counterargument to this is that HBO has already been putting Jon front and center in its marketing materials, from the first promo image for Season 6 to the first teaser trailer, so why would they be coy about putting him in the full-length trailer? I’m betting he’ll at least make an appearance, dead, undead, or otherwise.

As for what else the trailer may contain, commenter Finannion had a suggestion that might send chills down the back of book-readers’ spines:

I know I won’t get it, but I’d love a trailer where you see a hooded figure from the back and hear a voice saying, ‘She does not speak…but she remembers.’

Yes, the chances of seeing something like this are hovering around .00000001, but it’s an intoxicating notion, and I say that as someone who hopes the producers don’t adapt this particular plotline.

Finally, Bandit77 made a bunch of puns based off the titles of Quentin Tarantino movies, which I’m going to reproduce for fun:

I would like to see Drogon Unchained, Kill Ollie Volumes I and Volume II, The Winterfell Dogs, Inglorious Snow Bastards, Aryas Hateful 8, Cult Friction, and Deathproof Jon, as possible season 6 episode titles.

See you on Sunday, when hopefully we’ll be able to watch the Season 6 trailer and release some of this tension that’s been building in the shoulder region.


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