Thursday, October 27, 2016

New Rumors out of Game of Thrones Season 7’s Italica Location

Image credit: Diego Delso, Wikimedia Commons, License CC-BY-SA 4.0

Game of Thrones Season 7’s extras for the Italica location have been trying on their costumes and loose lips are suggesting ships. Well, shipyards anyway. While all the excitement the last two weeks has been centered around the beaches around Zumaia, with characters turning up left and right, over in the Ruins of Italica, the set load in continues to work apace. Last time we reported from the location, on October 17th, the historic tourist location has just been closed to the public in order to turn it into whatever it might become on the show.

Now the extras are turning up and Los Siete Reinos have heard about what they might be wearing. Fashionable spoilers ahead!

SPOILERS! Turn to the left
SPOILERS! Turn to the right
We are the GoT squad and we’re coming to town
Beep-beep, beep-beep

Sansa you're spoiling it spoilers

Ok, still here? C’mon, let’s go.

According to LSR, the extras who showed up to film in Italica found themselves handed various pieces of Lannister armor. That’s a *very* interesting development, as all the speculation and leaks so far for this scene have suggested it would be Dany who would be heading to the Dragon pit. Some thought this mean Dany would be victorious in her fight against the Lannisters. So what would extras be doing wearing their armor? Swearing fealty? Begging not to be burned to death?

Or could it be that the rumor that there’s a major “meeting of the minds” at the pit be true? Some reddit threads suggest that the scene art the Dragon Pit includes not only Dany and her crew, but also Cersei and Jaime, and all the major living players, as Jon Snow brings them proof that White Walkers are real, with a captive one brought back from the North, and demonstrates they can only be killed by dragonglass.

We have no proof as of yet if this is merely conjecture or not, but that the soldier types are wearing Lannister armor certainly suggests that Cersei and Jaime will in fact be on hand for this scene. And as we already have sources saying for weeks that Dany will be there too, it looks like our two competing Queens of the Andals may in fact meet face to face in this scene.

Image via Wikipedia

Image via Wikipedia

Meanwhile, these same extra sources say that it’s not only the main ruins in Seville that will see filming. There’s also talk of the shipyards, which are an underground cavern type location that may come into play. Sources say this, like the beaches in Zumaia, are connected to the location being filming at the ruins, but a different area. We had originally speculated this may be a scene down in the Crypts. (Remember Varys knows the underground tunnels in King’s Landing like the back of his hand, so this doesn’t necessarily have to be a Qyburn torturing prisoners scene.) But with this news, it sounds more like it’s part of the underground world where dragons once made their home.


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