Sunday, November 6, 2016

WiC Weekly: October 30-November 5

It’s time to take a brief walk down memory lane and look at the biggest Game of Thrones-related news stories from the past week. It’s time…for WiC Weekly.

We start, as usual with Season 7 SPOILERS, although there are fewer than usual this week, which will probably be the norm going forward.

Anyway, the big news this week is the number of cast members gathering in one place. It’s a lot.

The idea of any of these people—who number 17 at our last count—may share a scene together is brain-addling. But there are a specific two who fans really want to see interact.

Stepping back a few paces, we now have info on which directors are directing which episodes of Game of Thrones Season 7. Take a look and decide whether it bodes well or ill.

Ian Beattie (Meryn Trant), Ian McElhinney (Barristan Selmy), Ian Gelder (Kevan Lannister), and Eugene Michael Simon (Lancel Lannister) all gathered at this year’s MCM Comic Con to sound off on the past, present, and future of the show. It’s good listening.

Sticking with interviews, the woman who played Jon Snow’s mother talked about her brief but memorable time filming Game of Thrones Season 6.

Now let’s do some editorializing. We get into the weeds and wonder about the future of Gendry, everybody’s favorite bastard blacksmith.

Another editorial: what does the future hold for Arya Stark, everybody’s favorite pint-sized assassin?

In case you’d forgotten, Halloween happened just under a week ago. The Game of Thrones crowd was out in force.

And back in the now, we have photos and video of Game of Thrones stars greeting their adoring publics in Seville.

We’ll end as we must: with Kit Haringing in his full Jon Snow gear, filming on the ground near Seville.


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