Thursday, October 13, 2016

Ruins of Italica to close down soon for Game of Thrones Season 7 filming

Image credit: Diego Delso, Wikimedia Commons, License CC-BY-SA 4.0

Filming for Game of Thrones Season 7 has been going on in Northern Ireland for some time now, and all the while, the production has been prepping to film stuff in Spain. There are a lot of Spanish locations this year, and HBO is about ready to roll in the Roman ruins of Italica, pictured above.

According to El Correo, Eduardo Tamarit of the Andalusian Agency for Cultural Institutions made an announcement regarding filming today, at the Secretary General of Culture of the Government of Andalusia. The ruins will be closed off to the public from October 17 through November 12. Previously, they had been open to the public while the production set things up. That allowed people to get pics and video of the sets being built.

Image via Los Siete Renios

Image via Los Siete Renios

Image via Los Siete Renios

Image via Los Siete Renios

What might the ruins stand in for? We have some ideas.

El Correo notes that, even though the ruins will be closed to the public for just under a month, filming is expected to only last about a week. The ruins will close down several ahead of filming to allow the technicians to work in peace and to protect the privacy of the players. That probably means we won’t get any new information from this location for a while. But then again, Game of Thrones fans are a persistent bunch.


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