Saturday, October 15, 2016

Speculation: Why are [redacted] and [redacted] doing in King’s Landing in Season 7?

Spoilers for Game of Thrones Season 7 have been trickling out over the past week, and we’ve gotten quite a few good ones. But one nugget stands out. Turn back now if thou wish to remain unspoiled.


According to fansite Watchers on the Wall, Brienne, the Maid of Tarth, and Ser Davos Seaworth, the Onion Knight, will visit King’s Landing at some point next year. Daenerys will meet with the pair at the Dragonpit, House Targaryen’s former dragon stables.

As Keanu Reeves famously uttered in The Matrix, “Whoa.” What is going on here? Let’s take a dive into the speculation pool and see what we can come up with.

While the info about Davos and Brienne is new, we’ve known Daenerys would stop by the Dragonpit for a while. If Stark allies are walking around King’s Landing, the Lannisters have probably fallen from power. With Cersei ruling over a broken realm, that always seemed likely, but this all but confirms it. Cersei is not the type to surrender, and if Daenerys is receiving visitors at the Dragonpit, she’s probably dead.

There are other possibilities. For example, Cersei could throw Daenerys in the Dragonpit as a captive, and toss Brienne and Davos in there with her after Jon sends them to King’s Landing to try and enlist allies in the fight against the White Walkers. But given the size of their armies, we think a Daenerys takeover is more likely.

In that scenario, Daenerys is likely meeting with Brienne and Davos in their capacity as envoys of her nephew, Jon Snow, the King in the North. Now comes the juicy part. Are Davos and Brienne there simply to pay Jon’s respects to the new Queen of the Seven Kingdoms? Are they there to let Daenerys know the North plans to stay independent? Or are they trying to win Daenerys’ aid in the war with the White Walkers?

White Walkers attack the cave Night's King Night King

Paying your respects, monarch to monarch, would be a shrewd move on Jon’s part, but he could have sent anyone to do that. Davos is one of Jon’s closest advisers, and Jon isn’t likely to part with him for something so routine. But if Jon is trying to win Daenerys’ allegiance, Davos is a perfect choice. He’s an even-handed negotiator—recall him stumping for Stannis at the Iron Bank or charming Lyanna Mormont—and has experience as an envoy.

It’s harder to guess what use Brienne might be in this scenario. Perhaps Sansa, knowing of Brienne’s friendship with Jaime Lannister, sends her to leverage that relationship and get the best deal possible. But if the Lannisters are deposed, that doesn’t seem necessary.

Brienne and Jaime official

There’s a second, more terrifying possibility. Setting aside Brienne’s general badassery, Brienne and Jon are currently in possession of the only two Valyrian steel swords known to be in the North. Aside from dragonglass, Valyrian steel is the only known method of defeating a White Walker. If Sansa and Jon are sending Brienne—one of their best weapons—south to beg for aid, things may be truly desperate. The White Walkers are likely winning and winning big.

Hopefully we get more spoilers soon. But Whatever happens, it’s beginning to get very interesting around here.

Let us know what you think!


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