Wednesday, October 5, 2016

What The Show Leaves Behind: History and Time Travel In Game of Thrones

The Game of Thrones production has worked around the clock for six years straight just to bring us ten short episodes a year. And yet, thought they work hard to include as many things as are necessary to tell the story, there is still so, so much they leave out. And even when they do have time to put stuff in, sometimes what they can fit only leaves as many questions as it gives answers.

One of those things that the show leaves out, quite by necessity, are continents that our characters don’t set foot on in the books. Areas we hear about in passing, or are part of a POV’s character’s though, but never seen. Civilization Ex’s Focus Series brings us a deep dive into two of those areas, and some of the more interesting tiebacks to the story at hand (most of which have also been cut from the show.)

For those who might not be aware of Civilization Ex, they are a channel which cover the histories and do deep dives like this into many various fantasy and sci-fi worlds. Their History of Westeros series includes a dive into the Night’s King as well. (aAnd note like good book readers, they don’t call him “the Night King” like the show insists on doing.

Speaking of the Night’s King (or the Night King, if you must), one thing the show did touch on this past season was the Greenseer’s ability not only to warg into various animals and plants, but to move through time itself. Not only move through it, but as we learned tragically, to effect it. But those scenes with Bran, especially the final one in “The Door” when Hodor lost his life, as he was always fated to do because of Bran’s choice, left fans with many questions, which attempts to explain.

As the show winds down, these deep dives and explainers of the stuff the show leaves behind will probably become more common. Let us hope they can hold us over until the prequel we all hope for is announced.


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