Friday, April 7, 2017

Video: More HBO promos, more looks at Game of Thrones actors in their season 7 costumes

Last weekend, HBO ran a new promo where several of its biggest stars stood in front of a green screen and tried to make that static-y noise you hear before every episode of an HBO show. A lot of Game of Thrones cast members were involved, and we got to see what they looked like in their season 7 costumes. They’ve now uploaded the official version, featuring the likes of Daenerys, Sansa, Jaime, and more in their season 7 best.

As it ends up, there are two more versions of that promo, featuring more cast members and more outfits! Take a look below:

And here’s a version of the last one with just the Game of Thrones stars isolated…and John Oliver asking Jaime Lannister to make a noise with his mouth.

Check out some of the outfits below:

This has gotta be the most notable. Arya, proud and angry in her dark leathers, with her hair slicked back and Needle in hand. Dangerous, this one.

The Hound is back, looking a little more dressed up than when we last saw him:

If he’s going north with the Brotherhood Without Banners, a warmer garment is probably in order.

Cersei Lannister, wearing the same intimidating neckpiece she was wearing in the season 7 promo trailer:

And her brother Jaime, having fun with his gold hand.


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